Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Vision and Values


Vision – Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn – Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako
Mission Statement – Actively prepare each child to take responsibility for their own life-long learning, values and behaviour, in partnership with the home and community.
Learner Assets 
Self Manager
Integrity/Ngākau pono
Silverdale School is a values-based school where we put the emphasis on ethical and emotional intelligence, deepened relationships, social cohesion and a strong values culture. Our school values were chosen by our students and our staff.
These values are called our KERI values. KERI is represented by a Karearea. KERI personifies the values that we want all of our tamiriki to show throughout their learning and life journey.

Learner Assets

Silverdale School has identified four learner assets which will be explicitly taught. These are;





Being a SELF MANAGER is an important asset. Some of the skills you need include being able to stay focussed, manage your time and be organised. This is also about being a responsible and resilient person, reflecting and learning from mistakes. Also important in this area are the skills of regulating emotions and taking responsibility for your own learning and behaviour. 

Being a COLLABORATOR includes being able to compromise, take turns and take on different roles in a team. You will need to be inclusive, culturally aware, reliable and a team player. It helps to be empathetic so that you can understand others’ points of view. 

Being an INNOVATOR requires creativity, curiosity and having an open mind. It will be important to be resourceful and have a range of problem solving skills. You will also need to have research skills as you observe and investigate.

Being an effective  COMMUNICATOR is an essential asset for learning. We need to learn to listen actively, respond appropriately to others and get our message across in different ways. Good communicators are responsive and respectful. A key focus here is to develop confidence and encourage contribution.


Silverdale School is also a Restorative School.
The essence of restorative practices is simple: that all people are happier, more productive and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them. Building, enhancing and restoring relationships is absolutely essential for a strongly connected, empathetic, functioning society.We feel that our previous measures often fail to meet the relational needs of teaching and learning in 21st century. We are finding restorative practices/approaches are more effective in establishing long term lasting changes in relationships, more connecting of the members of a school community and more involving and hearing of victims. ​ As a staff we are using restorative conversations:
Tell the Story Tell me what happened? What has led to us needing this conversation? What were you thinking when you did that? What have you thought about since? How does that fit with our KERI values?
Explore the Harm Who do you think has been affected? Who else? In what ways? What do you think it must have been like for them? What that a fair or unfair thing to do? The right or the wrong thing to do?
Repair the Harm What needs to happen to put things right? What do you think_________ needs to hear/see from you now? Is there anything else that you can think of that might help? What will sorry look like in action from here?
Reach an Agreement What do you need to stop doing, stay doing, start doing? If this happens again – what could/would you do differently? From now on how will you show the school/home values? What do you need from me/us to support you?
Plan Follow Up When shall we check in with you to see how you’re going? What will happen if our agreed outcomes haven’t been reached?