Silverdale School has a compulsory school uniform. This can be ordered directly from the School Uniform Company. School bucket hats must be worn during terms 1 and 4. Please ensure that all clothing, footwear and socks are named.
School Uniform
Please ensure your child wears the correct uniform each day and that all items are clearly named. To order new uniform items please go to
School Uniform
Green polo shirt (with school logo) Year 0-6
Green fleece jacket (with school logo)
Black culottes
Black cargo shorts or cargo pants (no track pants)
Black shoes (no boots)
Black socks or stockings (no ankle tights/leggings)
Black School sun hat with school logo (Terms 1 and 4)
Black, white or green hair bands/ties
Short sleeved thermals are permitted to wear underneath.
Jewellery is not to be worn except for watches, stud earrings and items of a religious or cultural