Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 26 February

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 26 February

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


Welcome to Armaanpreet Singh, Ava Little, Harrison Hart, Evie Armitage, Sofiia Zubko, Stepan Zubko and Darsha Zubko. Our current roll is 644.


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Lara Saddam, Olivia Kinross, Billie O’Connor, Miles Su, Osmond Guan, Georgia Nolan, Aahana Sachdeva, Christine Brooks, Alice Liu, Nihaal Karthachira, Henry Peach, Nicole Chen, Casey Hill, Huxley Wiles and Chloe Holton.

Meet the Parent Evenings

Our Meet the Parent Evenings are being held on Wednesday 26 February and Thursday 27 February from 3.15pm to 6.00pm on both days. These interviews will be 10 minutes and the main purpose of these interviews is for you to let your child’s teacher know about your child. It is also a time for you to gain some information about how your child’s class will operate and learn about the journey your child is embarking on this year. Children will not be required to attend.

To make a booking go to:

The school code is: xzrud

Principal Awards

Congratulations to the students who received principal awards at last week’s assembly.

KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards at last week’s assembly. 


Team Te Ōhanga

Team Kiwi

Team Pūkeko

Team Tūī
















Integrity/Ngākau pono






Assembly Presenters

Congratulations to our assembly presenters at last week’s assembly.

2025 Silverdale School Colour Run

Like all New Zealand Schools, Silverdale School relies on fundraising revenue to further enhance learning opportunities and the overall school environment for all our students. Fundraising gives our students a sense of empowerment from being able to work as a team and contribute towards a common goal. This term we are running our Silverdale School Colour Run online fundraiser. Our Colour Run is a great way to bring our community together and show school spirit while raising much needed funds for our school. 

This year, funds raised will go towards the development of a passive playground and to install a waha ātea which is a Māori entrance way into our kura/school, both projects will benefit all our current and future tamariki/students. Our students will be collecting online sponsorship for their efforts on Colour Run day. Thank you for supporting Silverdale School.

How will this fundraiser work? We have partnered with online fundraising company Go Raise It.  Collecting sponsorship online makes it super easy for everyone – no more door knocking, your child can collect more donations from further afield (friends & family living overseas, work colleagues etc) and no need to worry about handling cash!

How do I sign my child up to fundraise online? Each child can sign up for their very own fundraising web page to send out to collect online sponsorship from anyone, anywhere! 



Click on the SETUP A FUNDRAISING PAGE button

If you need any help email for direct assistance

Multiple children in your family? No problem, all children can sit under the same email address. You’ll find a button to set up another page while logged in to the fundraising account you created first.

Do I have to sign up for an online account to fundraise? We would love everyone to have an online account as this allows the school to significantly reduce administration overheads. Go Raise It adhere to strict cyber safe guidelines and this is built into our fundraising website. 


We have a great range of fundraising prizes available including spot prizes and overall fundraising prizes for classes/individuals. Please see the Prizes page linked on the Fundraising Hub page of our fundraising website. 

Event Details: 

Date: Saturday 22 March 2025

Time: 9.15am – 11:30am – the last run will be at 11:10am 

Where: Start line, Silverdale School through parts of Metro Park


If you can help on the day, please contact the PTA via email:

Just go to our Fundraising Hub page at:

Or use the QR Code to visit the hub page:

Silverdale School Learner Assets

Creating a Shared Language of Learning 

Like all communities, people in schools have a language they use to help everyone feel connected and to enable consistent and clear communication. As educators, we know that the words we use have a great deal of power. What we say and how we say it helps shape a child’s view of themselves as a learner and their understanding of learning itself. Much of the language we use at Silverdale School relates to our KERI Values (Kindness/Atawhai Excellence/Hiranga Respect/Whakaute Integrity/ Ngākau pono) and The Resilience Project (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy). We are excited to add to this by launching a new shared language of learning relating to our “Learner Assets”.

In preparing students to become active citizens in the 21 century, we need to do more than provide students with information. Knowledge by itself is insufficient. It is the skills and dispositions that students learn that will transfer across learning areas and into the future. Different learning situations require different skills and attitudes which, when mastered, can be considered to be assets to us as learners. Silverdale School has identified four learner assets which will be explicitly taught and focused on to aid in this. These are;

Self Manager / He kaiwhakahaere i a koe anō

Collaborator / He Hoa Mahi Tahi

Innovator / He Tangata auaha

Communicator / He Kaiwhakawhiti Kōrero

Being a Self Manager / He kaiwhakahaere i a koe anō is an important asset. Some of the skills you need include being able to stay focussed, manage your time and be organised. This is also about being a responsible and resilient person, reflecting and learning from mistakes. Also important in this area are the skills of regulating emotions and taking responsibility for your own learning and behaviour. 

Being a Collaborator / He Hoa Mahi Tahi includes being able to compromise, take turns and take on different roles in a team. You will need to be inclusive, culturally aware, reliable and a team player. It helps to be empathetic so that you can understand others’ points of view. 

Being an Innovator / He Tangata auaha requires creativity, curiosity and having an open mind. It will be important to be resourceful and have a range of problem solving skills. You will also need to have research skills as you observe and investigate.

Effective Communicator / He Kaiwhakawhiti Kōrero is an essential asset for learning. We need to learn to listen actively, respond appropriately to others and get our message across in different ways. Good communicators are responsive and respectful. A key focus here is to develop confidence and encourage contribution.

Each term we will have an explicit focus on a Learner Asset to introduce the language and focus on the necessary skill set. This term all classes will be learning about being a self manager. Learner Assets are not just for our children or specific to home. You can try modelling the language in relation to yourself or when you observe an asset in action, for example; praising your child if they self manage and get themselves organised in the morning for school.

“When we consciously engage young people into inquiring into how they learn, we are developing skills and dispositions that act as important assets to them as learners – across the curriculum, in school and beyond” Kath Murdoch

Cameron Lockie

Travelwise – Walking School Bus
Are you interested in joining one of our Silverdale School Walking School buses?

Please join us for a meeting in the staffroom on Thursday 27th February at 9am.

More information regarding our Walking School Buses can be found on the Silverdale School website.

Silverdale School is participating in the Wednesday Challenge!

Choose an active form of transport (bike, walk, scoot, run) to come to school on Wednesdays and our school can win awesome prizes. Data will be collected by Travelwise leaders every Wednesday. 

This is how we are currently travelling to school.  Let’s see how much we can shift those numbers!

Baseline Data (Week 2)

54% students travelled to school by single-household car

34% walked

8% by bike

4% by scooter

Hat orders via Kindo

The office runs a report at 9.30am each morning for hat orders.  These are then labelled for the child and given to the teacher to hand out.  Hats can also be ordered directly with the uniform shop.

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

Parent Webinar: Online Safety for Children Under 10

5th March @ 19.00 (30 minutes plus Q&A)  

Netsafe is hosting a free webinar for parents and whānau on how to support children under 10 to have safe and positive experiences online. Discover practical advice and helpful tools to support your tamariki as they navigate the digital world. 

The webinar will explore:  

  • The opportunities and risks under 10s face online   
  • Resources available from Netsafe (including Hector’s World) to help support online safety in the home  
  • What to do when things go wrong online 

Whether you’re seeking reassurance or taking your first steps in learning about online safety, this welcoming and judgment-free webinar is here to support you. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.  


Register via the link:  

We have an exciting event coming to Manukau for the first time ever. Parris Goebel has brought to NZ a brand new major event called The World Dance Crew Championship. It’s only fitting that the first time its run is at the home turf of the Palace Dance Studio.

We want to invite you Tamariki down to watch the best dance crews from around the world, including our own local legends The Royal Family & ID CO, take on top teams from the US, the Philippines, and beyond.

The event is at Due Drop Events Centre from April 13th – 19th, during the school holidays. With tickets priced at just $15–$20, plus, a further 10% off we hope to make it an affordable family experience. For the 10% off, please use the below directions:

Step one: Go to Eventfinda

Step two: Enter the presale code: SCHOOL10

This will be running from now until the 25th of March.

Kindo Lunch Orders – Term 1 Rewards Campaign

Every parent who orders an ezlunch goes into a weekly draw to win $100 Kindo Credit for themselves AND $100 for your school. Starts Monday 10 February 2025 and runs through to Friday 11 April 2025.

Plus, all orders automatically enter the Grand Prize Draw for a $1,000 JB Hi-Fi Voucher + $500 for their school!


✨ Thank you to JB Hi-Fi for making our Grand Prize rewards possible!


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