Meet the Parent Evenings
Our Meet the Parent Evenings are being held on Wednesday 26 February and Thursday 27 February from 3.15pm to 6.00pm on both days. These interviews will be 10 minutes and the main purpose of these interviews is for you to let your child’s teacher know about your child. It is also a time for you to gain some information about how your child’s class will operate and learn about the journey your child is embarking on this year. Children will not be required to attend.
To make a booking go to:
The school code is: xzrud
Children are expected to wear the school sun hat in Terms 1 and 4 at school. Silverdale School has a no hat, no play policy.
Shoes are a part of the uniform and should be worn to and from school. These should be black in colour and can either be sandals, lace-ups or buckle shoes. Headbands and hair ties for girls should be in one of the school colours (green, black or white). The only jewellery that is permitted are watches or stud earrings.
Car Parking
Just a reminder that there is no parking in both carparks at school. Please don’t park by the kindy as these parks are reserved for kindy parents. Thanks for your cooperation with this.
School Values
Our school values are:
Integrity/Ngākau pono
Our School Values in Chinese
Kindness – 善良
Excellence – 卓越
Respect – 尊重
Integrity – 正直
Our School Values in Korean
Kindness – 친절
Excellence – 우수
Respect – 존경
Integrity – 청렴
Our School Values in Afrikaans
Kindness – Goedhartigheid
Excellence – Uitnemendheid
Respect – Respek
Integrity – Integriteit
Our School Values in Hindi
Kindness – दयालुता
Excellence – उत्कृष्टता
Respect – आदर करना
Integrity – अखंडता
At Silverdale School we believe:
* positive behaviour can be learnt and difficult and disruptive behaviour can be unlearnt;
* individual children are not a ‘problem’ – we need to change the environment around them to support positive behaviour;
* punishing and isolating children doesn’t bring about long-term and sustainable changes in behaviour;
* we need to concentrate on a small number of evidence-based programmes and frameworks that we know work;
* there are no quick fixes. Behaviour change takes time.
We have seen significant positive behaviour changes within our school. Our children are continually learning what it means to show Kindness/Atawhai, Excellence/Hiranga, Respect/Whakaute and Integrity/Ngākau pono and are continuously making great efforts to show these values.
If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to write, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach
If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.
If a child doesn’t know how to behave….we teach!
(adapted from Colvin, 2007)
These values came out of discussion with the children and staff in 2017. Our school-wide incentive programme is our Caught by KERI Stars, children can receive a Caught by KERI Stars for displaying one of our values. These Caught by KERI Stars and then collected and the children go into a draw to pick out of the prize box at our KERI assembly.
Getting to and from School
If your child/ren are walking/biking/scootering to or from school can you please go over with them how to do this safety. Below are some general tips.
How to stay safe when walking
- Use pedestrian crossings or cross at traffic signals.
- Stop and check at every driveway.
- Walk on the footpath, close to the houses and away from the road.
- Hold hands if walking with a young child near roads or in carparks.
Crossing the road, when there’s no pedestrian crossing
- be patient and cross the road only when it’s safe to do so (it takes time for a vehicle to stop)
- then use the kerb drill:
- Stop one step back from the kerb.
- Look and listen for traffic coming from all directions.
- If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed and then look and listen for traffic again.
- If there is no traffic coming, walk quickly straight across the road.
- While crossing, look and listen for traffic, wherever it may come from.
When using a pedestrian crossing
- Use official crossings where possible – in fact, if you’re within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing, the law requires you to use it.
- Check that approaching vehicles have seen you and can stop before you step out.
- Cross as quickly as you are able.
- For crossings with signals, only cross when the green person or message shows.
School Donations
Our school donation is $200 per child. This money was used to pay for a large number of additional curriculum resources, subsidise a number of school wide activities such as swimming, production, art, dance and drama resources, sporting functions, developmental material and related photocopying and other essential resources. No child was excluded from using these resources but it does seem that quite a number of families relied on the goodwill of others to support their child.
Each term the BOT puts all the names of those donations that have been made into a draw to give one child the chance to have their fees paid for the following term. The families that have received these in the past have been very grateful. We understand that a donation is voluntary and that it can be at times very difficult to manage. Mrs Reid in the office, is very happy to discuss possible arrangements for meeting this cost for your child. Each small contribution adds up across the course of time and helps to enhance the substance of this school.
A huge thank you to all those families who paid their donation last year.
Newsletters will be sent home each Wednesday. We will be emailing newsletters to each family. If you wish to have a paper copy please let your child’s teacher know. If your email address has changed from last year please send us your new email address so we can update our records.
Traffic Concern
There has been an increase in parents dropping their children off on Longmore Lane, by the roundabout. For your own safety, and the safety and convenience of other road users, there are certain areas where you must not park. You risk being fined $60 and/or having your vehicle towed away if you park in these areas. You must not park or stop your vehicle:
- where it will be in the way of other people using the road (including pedestrians)
- on a marked bus stop or taxi stand
- in front of, or closer than 1 metre to, a vehicle entrance
- on ‘no stopping’ lines (broken yellow lines) marked within 1 metre of the edge of the road, which you may see near pedestrian crossings, intersections, driveways or narrow roads.
Please do not park in the bus stops.
Please do not park on broken yellow lines, it’s for the safety of ours and your children. There is plenty of parking at Metro Park carpark, by the cricket nets and it is only a 400m walk to and from school. Children can walk there and they don’t cross any roads. This is a safe option for children.
Parking on Stella Maris Lane
I have had a number of complaints from the residents of Stella Maris Lane about our parents at pick up time. The complaints are parents parking on broken yellow lines, parents parking over their driveways. Please be respectful of the residents. Please do not park on broken yellow lines, it’s for the safety of ours and your children. There is plenty of parking at Metro Park carpark, by the cricket nets and it is only a 400m walk to and from school. Children can walk there and they don’t cross any roads. This is a safer option for children.