Announcement : 

Term Dates 2024 Term 1: Wed 7 Feb – Fri 12 AprTerm 2: Mon 29 Apr – Fri 5 JulTerm 3: Mon 22 Jul – Fri 27 SepTerm 4: Mon 14 Oct – Thur 19 Dec

Newsletter – Wednesday 3 July

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 3 July

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 

Term 2 Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way at school this term. I really appreciate everyone who continues to support our fantastic teaching and learning programmes. The relationship between home and school is very important for children’s learning, by supporting and helping in school activities this helps build strong relationships between home and school.



Congratulations to Lenē Kotze who has got a job as a junior property manager at Barfoot and Thompson, Orewa. Her last day will be Friday 5 July. Lenē has been a valued member of our Silverdale School community since 2019 when she joined us as a learning assistant. She will be greatly missed by us all. I wish Lenē the best of luck.


Last Day

The last day of term 2 is Friday 5 July and school will be finishing at the normal time. I wish everyone a relaxing and safe break. Term 3 will start on Monday 22 July.


Happy Birthday 

Happy birthday to Sammy Hart, Ayana Basil, Tatum Teo, Katherine Pang, Jack Weatherburn, Hudson Macky, Presence Admore, Raymond Li, Dian Van Wyk, Paige Harris, Hazel Bulkeley, Tiffany Zheng, Amber Taiapa, Ethan Yang, Ryleigh Karlin, Edward Gee, Yu Wang, Ahil Goel, Albie Donagh, Kyan Naidu, Michael Huang, Sofia Spurr, Mianka Claassens, Daniel Penn Sawers, Beau Taylor, Sasha Zikic, Parker Snell, Lucas Che, Gabriel Ferreira, Harper Boughtwood, Clara Abery, Ella Petersen, Brayden Van Iersel, Harry Russell, Dylan van Staden, Dylan Anglem, Anthony Tong, Shino Sarai, Lucas Zhao, Zac Zhang, Thea Powles, Zante Claassens and Ella Samson.


Car Park Safety

A concerned parent witnessed a dangerous situation where a child exited a car on the right side of the driveway and stepped in front of their vehicle. Fortunately, they were driving slowly and avoided an accident. Parents please do not drop your child off on the school driveway parallel with Longmore Lane. You must drop your child off at the stop, drop go area to prevent potential accidents.


School Community Conduct Expectations

Silverdale School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, and visitors.

Our Code of Conduct serves as a reminder to all parents, caregivers, and school visitors that their conduct must support everyone’s emotional and physical wellbeing, and not harm it in any way.

The Code of Conduct applies:

  • to all conduct, speech, and action, and includes emails, texts, phone calls, social media, or other communication
  • while on school grounds or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (such as a camp or sports match).

Standards of conduct

Silverdale School expects parents, caregivers, and visitors to:

  • treat everyone with respect
  • work together in partnership with staff for the benefit of students
  • respect and adhere to our school values
  • set a good example for students at all times

Examples of unsuitable conduct include:

  • threats, bullying, harassment
  • profanity/offensive language
  • insulting, abusing, or intimidating behaviour
  • racism or discrimination (e.g. based on ethnicity, religion)
  • physical aggression
  • deception/fraud
  • damaging school property
  • smoking, vaping, possessing, or using alcohol/drugs/other harmful substances on school premises or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (except possession or use of alcohol in accordance with school policy)
  • placing unreasonable and excessive expectations on staff time or resources
  • pursuing a complaint or campaign, or making defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments, regarding the school, its board, or any staff or students on social media or other public forums



Last week Silverdale School sent 3 Year 6 teams to a field day run by Netball North Harbour. Overall there were 70 teams from HBC through the Shore to Grey Lynn. Silverdale 1 & 2 played very well and held their own amongst very intense competition.

Silverdale 3 made the finals, placing 2nd in their grade, well done!

Special thanks to Bronwen Newcombe, Tara Hendry and Tarryn Floyd for coaching the girls and to the year 5s who joined to support the year 6 teams and make up numbers. Also special thanks to the parents who gave up their time to be with and support the teams. 

All the girls stayed and cheered on Silverdale 3 for their final and they all showed the best KERI values.

Matariki 2024 Celebrations at Silverdale School

Matariki Kite Flying – Metro Park  – 1pm Tomorrow (Thursday 3 July)
Kia ora e te whānau, 
We are heading to Metro Park for our annual Matariki kite flying extravaganza tomorrow. 
We hope to see our whānau down there at 1pm to help us fly our student made manu tuku / kites.
Hei āpōpō!
On Friday/Paraire, te 5 o July/Hurei Shared morning tea (Students to bring a plate with listed ingredients.

Kapa Haka

On Monday 1 July Matua Mark took a group of our kapa haka students to perform at Pinehaven Cottage, the audience loved every minute of the performance.

Lost Property

We have a mountain of lost property if your child is missing any uniform please come into school to search for it.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is on Friday 5 July and Silverdale School will be having a mufti day on Friday 5 July. The Red Nose Appeal is Cure Kids’ biggest annual appeal. We are asking children to dress in red and bring in a gold coin to donate to Cure Kids. Kelly Club are also supporting Red Nose Day throughout next week. As you may know, Kelly Club raises funds yearly for Cure Kids by participating in Red Nose Day. This year this special event takes place from 1 July to 5 July. Kelly Club Silverdale will be arranging fun activities to raise money, such as bake sales, raffle prizes, guess the Jaffas, and much more!

Cameron Lockie

Orewa College

New Student Information Evening – Tuesday 20 August
Orewa Arts and Events Centre, Orewa College
An information evening for all parents/caregivers of students enrolling for 2025, including
information on academic programmes and co-curricular opportunities. Following the
presentation, there will be an opportunity to speak with staff about digital devices, specialist
classes, sports, uniforms and enrolment.

Tour Days – Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 August 2024
Orewa College is pleased to invite all our new students for 2025, and their caregivers, to
register their interest in one of our Tour Days in August. These guided tours will take you
through our grounds and give you an opportunity to see students learning and ask any
questions you or your students may have. Please complete the form available on our
website to register your interest and choose a preferred tour date and time. This form will
close at 11.59pm Thursday 22 August

Enrolment – apply now
Visit our website under Information/Enrol to complete an online application.  Enrolment
interviews will start in September.
Should you have any queries, please contact

Yummy Stickers.

Yes, it is that time again. Do you munch away on Yummy crunchy apples, if so start saving those Yummy stickers as they get our school, free sports gear!

Let’s see if we can replace and get new sports gear for our school this year.

Need a chart, Sticker Collection Sheet come to Room 21 or just collect your stickers on any piece of scrap paper.

Once your paper is full,  bring it back to Room 21. 

Aroha Ana – Thank you!

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

FREE Self-Defence classes for ages 10-16years!

Coast Academy ALBANY is hosting a 4 week (1 class per week) Self Defence course for local children aged 10-16 years at Coast Academy Albany 575 Albany Highway. Classes are designed to give your child confidence, create awareness, and equip them with essential skills to protect themselves in any situation.


 Practical Jiu Jitsu Based Self Defence Techniques
Ground Based Escapes & Attacks
 Framing, Creating Space & Defence Skills
 Safe and Supportive Environment

 Mondays 4.45pm – 5.45pm (Starts 22nd July – 12th August)

Coast Academy Albany 575 Albany Highway (The Hub)

LIKE / SHARE and TAG a friend or someone you think would benefit from this course!  

Spaces are limited, so register your interest today! 

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Call us on 09 426 5510
4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992