Announcement : 

Term Dates 2024 Term 1: Wed 7 Feb – Fri 12 AprTerm 2: Mon 29 Apr – Fri 5 JulTerm 3: Mon 22 Jul – Fri 27 SepTerm 4: Mon 14 Oct – Thur 19 Dec

Newsletter – Wednesday 26 June

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 26 June

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 

Red Light Running 

We had a near miss last week with a car running the red light at the lights by school. Please take care and stop at the yellow/amber light. The driver who ran the red light nearly hit one of our children. There is no need to run a red light, there’s nothing more important than another person’s life. This incident has been reported to the police and they will be following up with the driver.

Having been at the lights over the past few days I’m horrified at the behaviour of drivers who run the yellow/amber light and red light. At each cycle there are a number of cars that accelerate to get through the lights while they are on yellow/amber. Over the past three days I have witnessed 9 cars go through a red light. This is totally unacceptable and an accident waiting to happen. 

Stopping at red lights is vital for the safety of our students and community. Around our school it’s busy with children who might not always be aware of traffic dangers. By obeying red lights, we create a safer environment for children crossing the road, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. It also sets a positive example for our children, teaching them the importance of road safety. Remember, stopping at red lights protects our children.

I have contacted the police and Auckland Transport to come and patrol the lights and fine people who are breaking the law. I have no time for drivers that run the yellow/amber and red lights for the sake of getting somewhere 30 seconds early. I will continue to monitor the lights and record the number plates of cars that run yellow/amber and red lights and report them to the police. 

We should all be mindful that nothing is more important than the safety of our children. Ignoring yellow/amber and red lights can lead to tragic consequences, including accidents that could harm or even be fatal to a child. No destination or schedule is worth risking a life. Let’s prioritise safety over convenience by stopping at traffic signals and ensuring our roads remain safe for everyone.

Traffic Light Infringement Notices

New Zealand Police can issue a $150 infringement notice if drivers:

  • fail to stop at a red traffic light
  • fail to stop at a yellow/amber signalised traffic light if safe to do so.

Māori Whānau Hui

Our Māori Whānau Hui is on Wednesday 26 June at 6.00pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome.

School closed for Matariki Friday 28 June

School will be closed to celebrate Matariki on Friday 28 June. 

Matariki is a special occasion in the New Zealand calendar which marks the start of the Māori New Year. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.

Matariki 2024 Celebrations at Silverdale School

Kia ora e te whānau,

During Week 9 and 10, from Thursday/Tāite, te 27 Hune/June to Friday/Paraire, te o July/Hurei, our kura will be celebrating Matariki 2024 (Maori New Year) with various events and activities

Students will need to bring materials for making a kite on Monday/Māne, te 1 o July/Hurei  See Information for kite making materials if you need help.

Finally, on Tāite/Thursday, te 4 o Hurei/July, at 11:30am, the whole kura/school will walk to Metro Park to fly our manu tukutuku/kites at 11:45am. This is always a hit with the tamariki and you are all welcome to come along.

On Paraire/Friday, te 5 o Hurei/July, we will have a shared morning tea in our classrooms so students will need to bring in something to share.

Key dates for Matariki:

Thursday/Tāite, te 27 o June/Hune Silverdale School Matariki activities begin

Tuesday/Tūrei, te 2 o July/Hurei                    Bring in materials for kite making Information for kite making materials

Wednesday/Wenerei te 3 o July/Hurei Whakatau with Buddy Classes

Thursday/Tāite, te 4 o July/Hurei Kite Flying at Metro Park (Open to whānau) 

                                                                       Meet at Metro Park at 1pm

Friday/Paraire, te 5 o July/Hurei Shared morning tea (Students to bring a plate with listed ingredients)

15 June to 30 June / 15 ki te 30 o Hune Matariki Festival 2024

Friday/Rāmere, te 28 o June/Hūne Matariki Public Holiday 2024

Ngā mihi nui

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is on Friday 5 July and Silverdale School will be having a mufti day on Friday 5 July. The Red Nose Appeal is Cure Kids’ biggest annual appeal. We are asking children to dress in red and bring in a gold coin to donate to Cure Kids. Kelly Club are also supporting Red Nose Day throughout next week. As you may know, Kelly Club raises funds yearly for Cure Kids by participating in Red Nose Day. This year this special event takes place from 1 July to 5 July. Kelly Club Silverdale will be arranging fun activities to raise money, such as bake sales, raffle prizes, guess the Jaffas, and much more!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Leo Pienaar, Somya Joshi, Lucas Blenkinsop, Owen Shu, Sam Lyons, Queena Hu, Hudson Clough, Brendon Zhang and Cooper Seaman.

KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards at this week’s assembly. 


Te Ōhanga



















Integrity/Ngāku pono





Principal Award Winners

Congratulations to our principal award winners from last week.

Assembly Presenters

Congratulations to our assembly presenters.


This term we opened our STREAM Room for students and kaiako to explore. STREAM stands for – S-science, T-technology, R-robotics, E-engineering, A-arts, M-mathematics. 

Our STREAM Room is a space designed to engage students in teaching and learning with robots and the design engineering process. We have a range of resources including Code-and-Go Mice, Beebots, Edison Bots, Spheros, Kaibot and a 3D Printer.

Below: Room 23 (Year 3) and Room 26 (Year 6) building using LEGO and coding using the Kaibot.

Below: Room 21 (Year 3) coding with a range of devices.

Cameron Lockie

Orewa College

New Student Information Evening – Tuesday 20 August
Orewa Arts and Events Centre, Orewa College
An information evening for all parents/caregivers of students enrolling for 2025, including
information on academic programmes and co-curricular opportunities. Following the
presentation, there will be an opportunity to speak with staff about digital devices, specialist
classes, sports, uniforms and enrolment.

Tour Days – Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 August 2024
Orewa College is pleased to invite all our new students for 2025, and their caregivers, to
register their interest in one of our Tour Days in August. These guided tours will take you
through our grounds and give you an opportunity to see students learning and ask any
questions you or your students may have. Please complete the form available on our
website to register your interest and choose a preferred tour date and time. This form will
close at 11.59pm Thursday 22 August

Enrolment – apply now
Visit our website under Information/Enrol to complete an online application.  Enrolment
interviews will start in September.
Should you have any queries, please contact

Yummy Stickers.

Yes, it is that time again. Do you munch away on Yummy crunchy apples, if so start saving those Yummy stickers as they get our school, free sports gear!

Let’s see if we can replace and get new sports gear for our school this year.

Need a chart, Sticker Collection Sheet come to Room 21 or just collect your stickers on any piece of scrap paper.

Once your paper is full,  bring it back to Room 21. 

Aroha Ana – Thank you!

Travelwise Tuesdays!

Travelwise Tuesdays is a schoolwide competition to encourage students to come to school using active modes of transport.  For example, students can scoot, walk, bike, or skate to school.  

Travelwise Leaders will collect the data from each class on Wednesdays. The winning class each term will receive a milo morning to congratulate them for their efforts.

Our goal is to promote fitness and fun when travelling to school as well as caring about the environment.

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

3D Printing
3D Printing Workshop:
Looking for an exciting and fun activity for your kids? Want them to have fun
as well as learn a new skill at the same time?
15 July ‘24: 9:30am to 11:30am: (2 hour activity). Age 8-13
Blast off into the exciting universe of 3D printing with our super cool 3D
Printing Workshop!
 Learn about the fundamentals of 3D printing, the possibilities of future
opportunities with 3D printing
 Dive into the creative world of CAD / 3D Printing software.
 Design their very own personalized creation or just watching others!
 No prior experience is necessary – just come and have fun!
 All materials provided
 Take home a 3D printed Surprise!
Don’t miss out on this epic opportunity to ignite your child’s creativity and
curiosity. All you need to bring is your own device.
BOOK NOW for the 3D Printing Workshop to secure your spot and let the 3D
printing magic begin!
Cost: $60 per child – 2 hour session

3D Printing Course: Term 3
Our flagship Innovator Program offers a well-rounded learning experience that includes:
 Dive deeper into 3D Printing: Software; Design; Create, Slicing
 Electronics/ Circuitry – light controlled music doorbell, rain controlled lamp etc
 Basic Mechanics (option 1) (combustion engines) or Jewellery (option 2)
BOOK NOW to secure your spot for Term 3: Special rate: $25 per class ($250 for Term)
Mondays: 3:30 – 4:30pm. Silverdale. Start: 22 July’24

Contact us at: / 021 336531 or
Book on:


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