Welcome to Jacob Southgate, Juliette McGregor, Paris Te Pairi, Mason Murphy, Daniel Zeng, Ayla Mclachlan and Daniel Varghese Basil. Our current roll is 773.
Updating School Records
Coming home tomorrow to the oldest or only child is a form to update your details. On the form please change any incorrect details and send the form back to the school office with your child. This form is very important as we have to have updated records for our files. Thank you for your cooperation in this.
What a couple of weeks New Zealand has had at the Paris Olympics. During the two weeks the Kiwi effort and attitude was at the forefront, showcasing our athletic talent across various sports. Kiwi athletes achieved a record number of medals, excelling in sports like rowing, cycling, and sailing, athletics and swimming. New Zealand’s efforts at the Paris Olympics were celebrated as one of the most successful in our history, with athletes breaking records and setting new benchmarks for future competitions. The performances highlighted the never give up attitude of New Zealanders.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Leo Peters, Austin Nielsen, Rhys Adams, Juan Aldan, Arya Crawford, Aston Rushworth, Jack Godfrey, Jhovanna Bareng, Ben Grace, Shaylinn Spasimante, Malikai Metzger-Feki, Ada Hefer, Jayden Dale, Gregory Molchanov, Ethan Jacobsohn, Andrew Chang and Neo Gibbs.
What Did You Do At School Today?
What did you do at school today? How many times have you asked that question and got the reply “nothing”? A useful way for students to reflect on their learning experiences at school is to ask them the following questions.
- What’s going well at school?
- Which was the hardest part of your day?
- How did you deal with it?
- How else could you have done it?
- What could you do when you are stuck on new learning?
- What would have made that easier for you?
- What mistakes did you make that you can learn from?
- Is there anything else you know that might help?
- How could you help someone else with their learning?
- How did it feel when you had finished?
Team Pūkeko Whero Art Exhibition Whānau Open Day
Team Pūkeko Whero is excited to invite our whānau to come in and view our student artworks displayed in a special art exhibition. These artworks are part of a performance task to show their learning around creativity over the first half of the year.
What: Art Exhibition to celebrate our students’ creations
Where: Room 31/33 (Far end of the kura on the ground floor)
When: Open on Thursday 22 August from 8:30am to 4.00pm for whānau to freely come and view the artworks with their tamariki.
Please note:
Between 9:15am and 3pm you may come directly to your child’s class, sign in there, and take your child through the exhibit, returning them to class when you are done. You will need to ensure that the teacher is made aware before you take your child and when you return them to class. Students must remain onsite at this time, going directly to and from the exhibition.