Newsletter – Wednesday 12 June
Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم.
Welcome to Eden Kang, Theo Barlow and Meer Hashmi. Our current roll is 764.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Indie-Rose Stratful, Nathan Kotze, Lucy Wang, Edward Barry, Louie Cox, Olivia Schmidt, Addison Nicholls, Malakai Brahne, Scarlett Bertelsen, Oliver Simonson, Ellie Fu, Bella Attwood, Serah Zang, Anna Thongtawee, Freddie Gardiner, Riley Farnhill, Harper Wiltshire and Mia Geyer.
PTA News
Get set for the first ever Silverdale School PTA Comedy Quiz Night on Friday 1 August at Joe’s Garage starting at 7.00pm until late. This will be a fantastic and funny event. Book the babysitter, get your mates and grab a table. More information to come. Proudly sponsored by Joe’s Garage, Silverdale.
Change of Clothes
With the wet weather we have been noticing children coming to the office with wet and/or muddy uniform, can we please ask that you send a change of clothes with your child to school each day, thanks.
Weekend Use of the School
During the weekends we are seeing an increase in damage and vandalism around the school especially in and around the courts. A dangerous practice for some children is using the shade sails as trampolines and hammocks. Below is a photo of a couple of boys, if you know them please ask them not to do this as it stretches the shade sail but more importantly it could cause them harm if they fell off.
Learning Conservations – Wednesday 12 June and Thursday 13 June
The learning conversations are three-way conferences with the teacher, child and parent. Three-way conferences take the form of a conversation between the child, the parents and the teacher as they sit together and talk about the child’s learning, with the child taking an equal role. This approach give children an opportunity to share with their parents their growth as a learner. The three-way conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals:
- to help children demonstrate evidence of learning,
- to teach children the process of reflection and self-evaluation,
- to facilitate the development of child’s organisational and oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence,
- to encourage children, parents, and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue,
- to encourage children to accept personal responsibility for their learning.
Times for Learning Conversations are:
Wednesday 12 June 12:30pm – 6:30pm and Thursday 13 June 3:15pm – 6:30pm
On Wednesday 12 June the school will close at 12.00pm, can you please collect your child at this time this is only for Wednesday 12 June.
Each learning conversation session lasts for 15 minutes.
To book a time go to use the code: XU28h
Restorative Practices at Silverdale School
Me ata tirohia ki te kate
The problem is the problem, the person is not the problem
At Silverdale School we are using restorative practices/approaches as alternatives to more punitive disciplinary systems and procedures where often there have been little or no links between wrongdoers and those they have harmed, nor any real connections between the punishment and the actual offence.
The essence of restorative practices is simple: that all people are happier, more productive and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them. Building, enhancing and restoring relationships across any workplace, community group, school or culture, is absolutely essential for a strongly connected, empathetic, functioning society.
We feel that our previous measures we used, often fail to meet the relational needs of teaching and learning in the 21st century. We are finding restorative practices/approaches are more effective in establishing long term lasting changes in relationships, more connecting of the members of a school community and more involving and hearing of victims.
Punitive versus Restorative Responses
Punitive Responses – focus on punishment.
Restorative Responses – focus on accountability, healing and needs.
What rule has been broken?
What happened?
Who is to blame?
Who has been affected? How?
What is the punishment going to be?
What needs to be done to put things right?
What do we need to do to move forward?
Restorative practices/approaches is based on the idea that the best way to help someone who has done wrong is to give them the opportunity to put things right.
As a staff we are using restorative conversations when dealing with challenging behaviour you can also apply this at home.
Tell the Story
- Tell me what happened?
- What has led to us needing this conversation?
- What were you thinking when you did that?
- What have you thought about since?
- How does that fit with our values here?
Explore the Harm
- Who do you think has been affected? Who else?
- In what ways?
- What do you think it must have been like for them?
- What that a fair or unfair thing to do? The right or the wrong thing to do?
Repair the Harm
- What needs to happen to put things right?
- What do you think_________ needs to hear/see from you now?
- Is there anything else that you can think of that might help?
- What will sorry look like in action from here?
Reach an Agreement
- What do you need to stop doing, stay doing, start doing?
- If this happens again – what could/would you do differently?
- From now on how will you show the school/home values?
- What do you need from me/us to support you?
Plan Follow Up
- When shall we check in with you to see how you’re going?
- What will happen if our agreed outcomes haven’t been reached?
Unrestrained Children in Cars
Please make sure that when you pick your children up from school that they are restrained in the car before you drive off.
KERI Awards
Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards at this week’s assembly.
Te Ōhanga
Integrity/Ngāku pono
Principal Award Winners
Congratulations to our principal award winners from last week.
Assembly Presenters
Congratulations to our assembly presenters.
School closed for Matariki Friday 28 June
School will be closed to celebrate Matariki on Friday 28 June.
Matariki is a special occasion in the New Zealand calendar which marks the start of the Māori New Year. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.
Yummy Stickers.
Yes, it is that time again. Do you munch away on Yummy crunchy apples, if so start saving those Yummy stickers as they get our school, free sports gear!
Let’s see if we can replace and get new sports gear for our school this year.
Need a chart, Sticker Collection Sheet come to Room 21 or just collect your stickers on any piece of scrap paper.
Once your paper is full, bring it back to Room 21.
Aroha Ana – Thank you!
PTA News: 80’s & 90’s disco
Friday 21 June
Junior Disco 5-6:30pmn
Senior Disco 7-8:30pm
Purchase the Entry Ticket and Disco Money cards via Kindo.
Cash is also accepted at the disco, but no eftpos
Items available at the disco include; ice cream, lollies, pizza, drinks, ice blocks, jibbitz, glow toys, photobooth, face painting, and a nail bar.
Due to health and safety reasons, no non Silverdlae school students are allowed, including siblings under 5 years old.
Due to security reasons, after the disco, parents must collect their child from inside the school hall.
Silverdale School has extended this promotion. Please check your shoe cupboards or your garage for any unwanted boots.
Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors
Residential, Commercial and Ride on Mowing
Call or email for a free quote and mention you’re from Silverdale School is get a 10% discount.
Phone/Text: 0275701838
To celebrate girls football we are putting on an event free of charge for girls age 4 – 9 years old. They’ll be able to take part in fun football-based activities with great coaches and there will be lots of football spot prizes to be won too!
Register today to secure a place for what will be a fun night.
Date: Friday 14th June
Start time: 5.30pm (registration will open from 5pm)
Finish time: 6.30pm
Location: Metro Park, 228 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale
For the 1 hour session your child will be put into a group with other girls their age. There will be a sausage sizzle available ($3 for a sausage and a drink), loads of football prizes and of course lollies!
 WIN a $50 New World voucher  
Thanks to the support of New World, you have a chance to win a $50 voucher to spend!
1. Share this post with your friends via social media
2. Get them to register their child for the event (and turn up!) and mention your name when the book.
3. Cross your fingers you win!
We hope to see you on the 14th June! 
About Hibiscus Coast Association Football Club
Our club has a dedicated girls section, lots of all-girl teams covering all ages and is passionate about growing the number of girls playing football so that they can learn lifelong skills, make new friends and gain confidence that comes with playing a team sport.
ART DAY FOR CHILDREN (ages 7 – 12 yrs.) With step-by-step instruction children will draw then create a vibrant acrylic painting learning tips and techniques along the way. Fun and focused. Venue: Estuary Arts Centre, July 15th, 9.30am – 2.30pm Cost $70 Bookings:, ph.021132703