Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 24 May

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 24 May

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


Welcome to Hazel Wong, Kevein Liyanaarachchi, Beauden Bennett, Yash Karnati and Harper Wallis. Our current roll is 785.


Teacher Only Day

The school will be closed on Friday 2 June for an Kāhui Ako ki Orewa teacher only day with Orewa Primary School, Wainui School, Dairy Flat School and Orewa Beach School, Orewa College, Ahutoetoe School and Nukumea School.


Kings Birthday – School Closed

The school will be closed on Monday 5 June due to the Kings Birthday public holiday.


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Isaac Roberts, Kayla White, Jakob Nguyen, Devon Metzger-Feki, Lewis West, Caitlin Kirker, Logan Jacobsohn, Cooper Nolan, Chengyin Wu, Jasmine Kumkee, Millen Briant, Ella-May Coombe, Mellad Melladi and Jihan Park.



Welcome to Terese Clampitt who will be teaching in the Reception Room with Therese Visser for four days and Nancy Allison will be teaching the other day. Terese will start in the Reception Room on Monday 29 May.


Fun Run

On Friday 19 May the whole school participated in the school fun run around Metro Park.  A sea of pink ran, walked, skipped around the course in recognition of Pink Shirt Day.  

Pink Shirt Day was created in the USA in support of a boy who wore a pink shirt to school and was bullied.  The creators of Pink Shirt Day decided to raise awareness of bullying by being an upstander and wore pink shirts to school to stand up to the bullies. 

Thank you to all of our parent helpers who marshalled on the day, encouraging the students along the way.  Without your help, we could not do this with you.

Rippa Zone Day

Rippa Zone Day last Thursday was a big hit with our Year 5 and 6 students. Many of our students had never played rippa rugby before and had the best day with most teams coming away with 3 or 4 wins. Great resilience and determination was seen on the day and amazing sportsmanship by all.  You should all be proud of how you represented your school. Thank you to our parent supporters managing teams, we appreciate having you help us.

Traffic Concerns

We are still concerned with the behaviour of some of the drivers using Millwater Parkway and  Bankside signalised intersection, in particular red light running.

We often observed a number of vehicles speeding and also a significant number running the red lights. We do not want to see anyone being hit by a car while crossing at the lights by a car who runs a red light.

Please make sure that you stop on the yellow light at the traffic lights outside of school. Before and after school is a busy time with children and parents using the lights to cross the road, we do not want an accident to occur because you run the red light. Please reduce your speed and look out for children. A yellow signal means stop, unless you are so close to the intersection that you can’t stop safely. A yellow signal indicates that the lights will soon turn red. If you fail to do this then the penalties are $150 fine and 20 demerit points if you fail to slow down and stop when traffic lights turn yellow (unless you cannot stop safely). 


Traffic Concern 2

There has been an increase in parents dropping their children off on Longmore Lane, by the roundabout. For your own safety, and the safety and convenience of other road users, there are certain areas where you must not park. You risk being fined $60 and/or having your vehicle towed away if you park in these areas. You must not park or stop your vehicle:

  • where it will be in the way of other people using the road (including pedestrians)
  • on a marked bus stop or taxi stand
  • in front of, or closer than 1 metre to, a vehicle entrance
  • on ‘no stopping’ lines (broken yellow lines) marked within 1 metre of the edge of the road, which you may see near pedestrian crossings, intersections, driveways or narrow roads.

This also includes parking and waiting for children on Stella Maris Lane. Please do not park on broken yellow lines, it’s for the safety of ours and your children. There is plenty of parking at Metro Park carpark, by the cricket nets and it is only a 400m walk to and from school. Children can walk there and they don’t cross any roads. This is a safe option for children.


Parking on Stella Maris Lane

I have had a number of complaints from the residents of Stella Maris Lane about our parents at pick up time. The complaints are parents driving over their lawn in the wet weather making a huge mess, parents parking over their driveways. Please be respectful of the residents.


Learning Conservations – Wednesday 7 June and Thursday 8 June

The learning conversations are three-way conferences with the teacher, child and parent. Three-way conferences take the form of a conversation between the child, the parents and the teacher as they sit together and talk about the child’s learning, with the child taking an equal role. This approach give children an opportunity to share with their parents their growth as a learner. The three-way conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • to help children demonstrate evidence of learning,
  • to teach children the process of reflection and self-evaluation,
  • to facilitate the development of child’s organisational and oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence,
  • to encourage children, parents, and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue,
  • to encourage children to accept personal responsibility for their learning.

Times for Learning Conversations are:

Wednesday 7 June 12:30pm – 6:00pm and Thursday 8 June 3:15pm – 6:00pm

On Wednesday 7 June the school will close at 12.00pm, can you please collect your child at this time this is only for Wednesday 7 June.

Each learning conversation session lasts for 15 minutes.

A link will be sent next week for you to book your learning conversations with your child’s teacher.


Mid-Year Achievement and Progress Report 

Your child’s Mid-Year Achievement and Progress Report will be shared with you on Thursday 1 June. This will be emailed to you directly from SchoolTalk.

This report gives a snapshot of where your child is currently at. It will show a graph of achievement outlining how your child is progressing against each of the New Zealand Curriculum expectations for Reading, Writing and Mathematics and five next steps that your child will be working towards.

In conjunction with this report we will be holding learning conversations on Wednesday 7 June and Thursday 8 June. 


Principal Award Winners

Congratulations to our principal award winners from last week.

KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards at this weeks virtual assembly.


Team Te Ohanga

Team Kiwi

Team Pukeko

Team Tui






















Hibiscus Tuakana Pasifika Group

Every Friday the Hibiscus Tuakana Pasifika group come to Silverdale School at lunch time to teach Pasifika dance. This group is available to any age to come along and join. The students who have joined have been having lots of fun learning different dances. 

Country Show Day
Silverdale PTA are looking for sponsors for our biggest fundraiser, Country Show Day – 28 October 2023.
If your are interested in being either a Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsor, please contact the PTA via email and we will forward the sponsorship package. This is a fabulous advertising opportunity for your business as it is a community event of the year. 
Galactic Groove School Disco 
Silverdale Schools famous disco is back for 2023:
Date:  16 June 2023 
Juniors Disco:  Year 0 – Year 3 : 5:30pm – 7.00pm
Seniors Disco:  Year 4 – Year 6 7:30pm – 9.00pm 
Purchase the Entry Ticket and Money Cards via Kindo before 12 June 2023, 3.00pm. 
This disco is for Silverdale School students ONLY.  Due to Health and Safety reasons, no children under the age of 5 can attend.  
For further information, please see the attached flyer. 
We require parent helpers.  If you can help, please contact us via email:

Garden To Table News

Cameron Lockie

Walking School Bus

What is a Walking School Bus?

It is a group of children who walk together to/from school with parent supervisors along a set route.

Why should I join a Walking School Bus?

There are so many benefits of a walking school bus! Parents get to connect with one another, children get to have fun and get active. There is less congestion at school gates with more people walking which helps to improve the safety of the roads around schools.

Details for our current walking school bus routes:

Route A – Start 8:15am 11 Harris Drive : Bankside Rd : Silverdale School.

Route A – 3 days a week (days vary). Contact Sophie 021 8000 98

Route B – Start 8:20am 14 Skipjack : Whaley Greens : Manuel Rd : Walkway down to  Miller Rise : Bankside Rd : Silverdale School.

Route B – 5 days a week. Contact Kate 021 258 6275

Route C – Starts 8:25am Crn Arbors Track & Madison Terrace : Bankside Rd : Silverdale School. 

Route C – 5 days a week. Contact Alice 021 047 3043.

Please contact route coordinators for more information. 

Anyone interested in starting another route please get in touch with Louise Cameron. (

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

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4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992