Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 14 December

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 14 December

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

What a fantastic leavers assembly we had this morning. Thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate the graduation of our Year 6 children. A special thank you to Anna Lojek and the rest of the Year 6 teachers for all their effort in making this occasion a memorable one for everyone who attended. Thank you to Mon for decorating the hall so beautifully.

Our Year 6 children are all fine examples of our school KERI Values. They are ready to continue to display our values in everything they do. They  have made many friends at Silverdale School and some of those friendships will last a lifetime.

To the Year 6 children:

Remember to smile, and show your KERI Values. Remember to smile, and show your KERI Values. When you are in the learning pit you can dig deep to unleash your learning journey to move forward and keep on learning. Never give up, you will get it.

You all have the ability to succeed in all the opportunities that will come your way while at Intermediate. You have the skills to be better than the day before.

Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui – Be strong, be brave, be steadfast.

Well done to the following Year 6 children who are graduating at the end of the year.

Thank You

Thank you to our Silverdale School Board, Faye, Ann, David, Nolan, Tim, Donna, Laura, Lynn and Kat. You have shown great leadership in your new roles as members of our board throughout another extraordinary year and the school is moving in the right direction under your leadership. Our community can be confident that our school is extremely well governed and managed.  

Thank you to all our hard working staff, without your time and effort, the school would not be at the forefront of education in this country. We are very lucky to have such high quality teachers teaching our children. The amount of extra hours they put into their teaching and learning programmes is truly amazing.

To all our families and children who are leaving us, thank you for being part of Silverdale School and making our school the best possible school it can be. We have enjoyed having you and being part of your learning journey. I wish you all the luck in whatever you do.

School will finish on Monday 19 December at 3.00pm.

Term 1 2023 starts on Tuesday 7 February. Children can go straight to their class when the bell rings at 8.30am. If any children have forgotten what class they are in they can go to the hall where someone will tell them what class they are in.


Farewell to the following staff members who are leaving us at the end of the year:

Emily Tarr – teacher, end of fixed term contract.

Diane Pretty – teacher, end of fixed term contract.

Alysha Adams – fixed term scale A teacher new position at Matakana School.

Jayne Bennett – teacher, years unpaid leave.

Maree Larsen – part time teacher, retiring from the profession.

Sarah Campion – part time teacher, end of fixed term contract.

Chris Williams – part time teacher, retiring from the profession.

Usha Balay -Upperton – part time teacher, will continue to do relieving work for us.

Karleigh Branks – learning assistant going to Parakai School as a teacher.

Hannah Schoffelmeer – learning assistant, going to teachers college.

Briana Morrison – learning assistant, going to teachers college.

Kiri Lythgo- learning assistant leaving.


Changes in 2023

Beginning on Tuesday 7 February we will go back to our normal bell times and have the children all out playing at break times. The bell times are:

Bell Times

Children wait at the gates until the 8.30am bell rings.

8.30am – Bell, children can come into school and go straight to class

8.55am – Block 1 (120 minutes)

10.55am – Playtime eating (10 minutes)

11.05am – Play time (20 minutes)

11.25am – Block 2 (90 minutes)

12.55pm – Lunch eating (10 minutes)

1.05pm – Lunchtime (45 minutes)

1.50pm – Block 3 (65 minutes)

3.00pm – Home time

Total learning time – 275 minutes


Dates for 2023

Please put these dates into your calendars:

2023 Meet the Parent/Whānau

Week 3 – Term 1

Wednesday 22 February 3.30pm – 6.00pm

Thursday 23 February 3.30pm – 6.00pm

2023 Engage with your child’s learning

Week 6 – Term 1 

Thursday 16 March 6.30pm

2023 Learning Conversations

Week 7 – Term 2

Wednesday 7 June 12.30pm – 5.45pm

Thursday 8 June 3.30pm – 6.00pm

2023 Well Being Information Evening for Whānau

Week 3 – Term 2

Thursday 11 May 6.30pm

Whānau Involvement Days

Term 1 

Grandparents/Significant Adult Morning – Friday 31 March 9.00am – 10.30am

Term 2

Mothers/Significant Adult Morning – Friday 12 May 9.00am – 10.30am

Term 3

Fathers/Significant Adult Morning – Friday 1 September 9.00am – 10.30am


Whole School Assemblies 2023

These assemblies will be back in the hall and Whānau are invited to attend these assemblies.

PTA Thank You

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for all their hard work they have put into the school this year. You all have shown high energy and motivation to work for the school and all your hard work has paid off with the amazing amount of money you have raised for our school this year.

Again Country Show Day was a highlight of the year for everyone. The amount of work that goes into organising Country Show Day is huge. Planning and organising this event takes months of hard mahi.

The dedication and effort the PTA has put into everything they do is truly amazing and we appreciate all the fantastic work that they all do. The PTA has donated $80,000 to the school this year. What an amazing effort! 

Through this amazing donation we have been able to purchase 200 chromebooks for our children.

A special thank you to Davina Tahere, Jackie Garnder and Serjit Singh for their outstanding leadership and contribution to the PTA this year.

Sandy Evans Manaakitanga Memorial

Sandy Evans, was teacher aide at Silverdale School for 16 years. She died suddenly in a tragic accident in January 2012. Sandy had an enormous empathy for all students and particularly those she worked with.  

Silverdale School Board created a Manaakitanga Memorial for Sandy as they felt she embodied the principles of manaakitanga – extending the hand of friendship, finding positives in all activities, exemplifying tolerance, kindness and empathy to others. 

This memorial will be awarded at the end of each term at the final assembly of the term to the student that staff feel is the most worthy recipient from the designated team. 

The student will hold the memorial for a term, their photo will be taken with the award and will be put into the newsletter. A certificate will also be awarded to the student.

Guidelines for awarding the Manaakitanga Memorial

  1. Consistent application of being kind to others.
  2. Going the extra mile without seeking recognition.
  3. Positive mind set to self and others.
  4. Ongoing evidence of respect, tolerance and empathy for others.
  5. Consistently showing our KERI Values of Kindness/Atawhai, Excellence/Hiranga, Respect/Whakaute, Integrity/Ngākau pono

This term’s recipient of the Sandy Evans Manaakitanga Memorial is Veramy Vorster from Room 28.

Principal Awards

Congratulations to everyone who received principal awards.


Congratulations to the Silverdale Tigers touch team who were the grade winners of Year 3/4 mixed teams. In the team we have on the left front: Hudson Macky, middle: Alex Kotze, Right front: Louie Cox, back row from left : Brandt Gericke, Marnu Vorster, Albie Donaghy and Spencer Konnik.

Reporting Positive Covid Case

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.

Cameron Lockie

School Leavers – Notice re ezlunch / Kindo School Shop

If your family is leaving our school and has been using ezlunch or Kindo, please make sure to stop any regular automatic payments that have been set up before the school year finishes.  You may also need to transfer or close your account which can be done as follows:

  • Not sure if your new school is using Kindo?  If you’re not sure if your new school is using Kindo, you can either ask them directly or go to “My Details” in your Kindo account and click on the list of schools to see if your new school is listed.  
  • New school IS using Kindo.  If your new school is using Kindo, simply click on the new school from the list in “My Details” of your Kindo account and you’ll be attached to the new school’s menu.  Any balance on your Kindo account will remain available to spend with the new school.
  • New school is NOT using Kindo, or you no longer need Kindo.  If you need to close your Kindo account, use the “Close Account” button within the “My Details” section of your Kindo account.  You can either withdraw your account balance or choose to donate your balance to the school.  Please note that all withdrawals will be made via electronic payment to your New Zealand bank account. Kindo is unable to process cash withdrawals.  

If you are wanting to withdraw your Kindo account balance or make a donation that exceeds Kindo’s threshold (currently more than $10,000 total within one year), Kindo may need to undertake some identity checks on you to comply with its obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Act 2009.  Please action the withdrawal or donation in your Kindo account as outlined above and if these AML checks are necessary Kindo will advise of the next steps required in this regard. Kindo has endeavoured to make this process as pain-free as possible and appreciates your patience.

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

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