Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 16 November

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 16 November

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


We are noticing that a lot of children are coming to school after the 8.55am bell. The learning at school starts at 8.55am and if children are late they are missing learning and disrupting the class during learning time. Children can come into school once the 8.30am bell goes and go straight to their classroom, this is a great time for them to touch base with their teacher and classmates. Thanks for your cooperation in getting your child to school on time.

Traffic Concerns

It has brought to my attention two traffic problems we are having at the moment.

1. Parents parking along Longmore especially at the roundabout. You are not allowed to park here as Longmore Lane has broken yellow lines. 

What do broken yellow lines on the road mean?

A broken yellow line means no stopping or parking. The fine for doing this is $60

Broken yellow lines are placed in areas where parking would cause an obstruction or danger to other road users, and around bus stops, taxi stands, motorcycle parking and loading zones.

If parents continue to do this then I will contact the police to come down and ticket people.

If you are wanting to pick your child up from school in your car you need to use the stop, drop, go area within the school

2. Please do not enter the school using the gate closest to the kindy please drive down to Gate 1 by the roundabout. The gate by the kindy is a no entry gate.


There has been vandalism around the school, especially someone on an electric scooter doing “burnouts” on the court and the water play area and leaving holes. If you see anyone doing this please let me know and I will contact the police and trespass them off the school. It saddens me that people want to destroy something that we have worked so hard for. Below are some photos of the damage.


Welcome to Vinson Zeng who started with us this week. Our current roll is 859.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Brandt Gericke, Enzo Fang, Te Omeka Bain, Samuel West, Oscar Shan, Armaan Mann, Ella Bryc, Elaine Wang, Hana Marami, Archie Connolly, Nathan Baker, Ruby Connolly, Leah O’Reilly, Kreeli Panchal, William Kim, Fuzion Stevens, Noelle Deviatova, LJ Lyons, Erin Gardener and Yuchan Kim.

KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards. 


Team Te Ohanga

Team Kiwi

Team Pukeko

Team Tui






















Year 5 and 6 Athletics Day Results

Year 5 Girls

Shot Put – Erin, Gemma

Discus – Gemma, Poppy H

High Jump – Devon, Sienna

Long Jump – Gemma, Maggie

100m Sprint – Gemma, Devon

800m Sprint – Gemma, Ruby C

400m Relay – Maggie, Raya & Archie and one other (tbc)

Year 5 Boys

Shot Put – Josh J, Malan

Discus – Josh J, Kaleb

High Jump – Josh J, Arton

Long Jump – Josh J, Arton

100m Sprint – Josh J, Arton

800m Sprint – Josh J, Arton

400m Relay – Archie, one other and Maggie and Raya

Year 6 Girls

Shot Put – Cameron, Akira

Discus – Akira, Ashleigh

High Jump – tbc

Long Jump – tbc

100m Sprint – Veramy, Lily

800m Sprint – Veramy, Alizee

400m Relay – Cameron, Ruby, Saiah and Reynard

Year 6 Boys

Shot Put – Seth, Sam C

Discus – Blake, Josiah

High Jump – Sam C, Finlay

Long Jump – Sam C, Reynard

100m Sprint – Sam C, Blake

800m Sprint – Sam C, Liam B

400m Relay –  Reynard, Saiah, Cameron and Ruby


Three ways to foster a growth mindset in our children

  1. Use encouragement.

The message we send in response to our children’s efforts is going to have the highest impact on their likelihood for success. Contrary to popular belief, encouragement is NOT praise. It is an acknowledgement without judgement.

Praise focuses on what is believed to be their natural talents or traits and can sound like, “ You did so well, you are so smart,” “You are a natural,” or, “Wow, your netball skills are amazing!”

Instead focus on the process or effort: “Wow, it looks like you worked really hard on that project,” “I noticed that you really take on a challenge, even when things are difficult,” or, “Have you noticed the improvement in your writing since you have focussed of using describing words?” Focusing your energy and attention on the effort and/or process will lead to success.

  1. Respond to setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement

“Mistakes are simply opportunities for learning.” How we respond to our children’s failures, setbacks and challenges will be one of the key factors in their future success. These responses might sound like: “It sounds like you are disappointed with your result on the maths test. What do you think you could have done differently to prepare?” Or “I noticed you are really frustrated trying to get all your homework completed on time. Are there any strategies that I can help you with that would allow you to get it done in a more timely manner?” Or simply “What might you do different next time?”

This is a perfect opportunity to coach children to come up with their own solutions or ask them if they would like assistance in coming up with a plan for themselves.

  1. Modelling a growth mindset as a parent

Even as adults we are still learning, growing and making mistakes. It is imperative that we share and model our own process with our children. Share with your children challenges you are having or setbacks you have experienced and some of the things you have done to overcome them. Kids love to hear stories about their parents’ childhood. Share stories about similar challenges you faced as a child.

It might sound like: “I’m just learning how to play tennis as an adult and miss a lot of shots during class. But I am working hard, go to class every week and am asking my coach for tips and can see that I’m getting better every time I practise.”

Having a growth mindset comes easy to some because they grew up with parents or mentors who instilled it, but it is definitely something we can all embrace and practise within our own lives and with our children.

Position available – Learning Assistant for 2023 school year

Silverdale School is looking to employ highly skilled Learning Assistants (teacher aides) for the new year. This is a full time position Monday to Friday during school opening hours. The successful candidate will support students with a diverse range of learning needs not limited to but including;  ADHD, ASD, neurodiverse conditions, behavioural needs, learning and processing needs. Previous experience working with children would be advantageous. You would be assisting teachers catering for the needs of individual students requiring extra assistance with either direct or indirect interventions, and in support of the whole classroom programme. If you are interested in applying please send your CV and referees contact details through to Deputy Principal, Kat Porter no later than Friday 25 November. 

Reporting Positive Covid Case

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.

Cameron Lockie

Last Thursday, Silverdale School was represented by 3 teams at the Cricket Zone Day.  Most of our team members had never played cricket and were nervous to start but after the first game, all got the hang of it and ALL 3 teams ended up in the finals.  Our B grade girls and B grade boys both came out on top winning their final matches, coming 1st overall.  Our A grade boys fought hard but came 2nd overall in their grade only by a couple of runs.  A fantastic day out had by all and an amazing outcome.  

Well done team Silverdale.

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