Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 19 October

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 19 October

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


Welcome to Abby Pirie, Harper Wiltshire, Caden Huang, Emery Fan, Hansen Ni, Nicholas Mitchell, Hugo Gell, Austin Nielsen, Ayla Nielsen and Joshua Morris. Our current roll is 850.



Welcome back to Emily Tarr who will be teaching in the reception room in term 4.


Term 4 Sun Safety – Hats/Pōtae

As part of our sun safe policy all children must wear a sunhat in Term 1 and 4. These can be purchased through the ‘School Shop’ on our school website for $12. Please ensure they are clearly named. 


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Nathan Lin, Luke Walker, Harper Barrows, Jude Peters, Tristan Zammit, Angela Yi, Jake Anderson, Ivy Li, Jordy Buchanan, Klara Smith, Quinn Honore, Wian Goosen, Kyra Geens, Blake Olivier, Camryn Scott and Spencer Webb.


School Donations

Our school donation is $200 per child or $50 a term. This money was used to pay for a large number of additional curriculum resources, subsidise a number of school wide activities such as swimming, production, art, dance and drama resources, sporting functions, developmental material and related photocopying and other essential resources.  No child was excluded from using these resources but it does seem that quite a number of families relied on the goodwill of others to support their child.

Each term the BOT puts all the names of those donations that have been made into a draw to give one child the chance to have their fees paid for the following term. The families that have received these in the past have been very grateful. We understand that a donation is voluntary and that it can be at times very difficult to manage. Mrs Reid in the office, is very happy to discuss possible arrangements for meeting this cost for your child.  Each small contribution adds up across the course of time and helps to enhance the substance of this school.   

A huge thank you to all those families who paid their donation this year.


Principal Awards

Well done to the following children who received principal awards last term.

KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards. 


Team Te Ohanga

Team Kiwi

Team Pukeko

Team Tui






















Sushi Draw Winners

Alice Rm23

Nicholas Rm23


Manaakitanga Award – Team Kiwi – Term 3

Manaakitanga is the demonstration of showing respect, generosity and care for others. The Manaakitanga award was created by the board of trustees as a memorial for Sandy Evans, a teacher aide at Silverdale School who tragically passed away after an accident in 2012. Sandy embodied all of the principles of Manaakitanga and this memorial is awarded at the end of each term to the student the staff feel is the most worthy recipient.

This term the recipient of the Manaakitanga memorial will be selected out of Team Kiwi. We have so many students at Silverdale School who consistently show our KERI values that it is always a very tough decision for teachers. This year, there is one student in Team Kiwi who has stood out so much that they made the job easier for us.

This term, the Manaakitanga Award goes to Madison Sims of Room 23. Madison exemplifies all of our KERI values and is a well-liked member of Room 23. She consistently strives to do her best and is a positive role model to all students by her excellent attitude to work, her respectful manners and her kind nature and beaming smile. Madison consistently demonstrates care, consideration, empathy and sensitivity towards others, both inside and outside the classroom. By helping others, she has made a positive impact on all those around her. Congratulations Madison! 

Sports Uniform

If you have any Silverdale School sports uniform please return to school. Children who are attending school please bring them to school and return it to their classroom teacher.


GARDEN TO TABLE Garden Report: 


We learnt about how to make soil, by creating a ‘soil jar library’.  Each jar contained something natural that could be used to make soil. 

A chance to talk about what nutrients are and how important it is to add different things to our compost to make the best soil, so the end result is ‘nutrient rich vegetables’, which of course results in strong, healthy children! 

We added worm castings from our worm farm, horse manure, coffee grinds and seaweed (kindly donated by Mother Nature) to add nutrients to some of our beds, preparing them for Summer crops.

We looked after our worms by making sure they had plenty of ‘browns’ (leaves/cardboard/paper) as well as ‘greens’ (food scraps).

We fed the garden beds with Seaweed and Manure Tea.

We fed and replanted 2 new strawberry beds.

We turned worm farms and compost.

Weeded around the garden beds and thanks to a wonderful donation of Woodchip mulch, we have started spreading mulch.

A job the Kids really love doing. 

A huge thank you to Jason from ‘Treemendous Tree Service’



We talked about Potatoes and Kumaras.

We planted a bed of potatoes and put kumara into a damp sandbox to hopefully grow Tupu.  Which will result in another crop this year.

We planted : lettuce, silverbeet, strawberries, marjoram, dill, kohlrabi, marigolds, pansies, celery, spring onions

We sowed : 

Veges : watercress, radishes, Tomatoes, tomatilos, beans and peas

Flowers: holly hocks, santana, zinnia, cosmos, nigella, cornflower, sunflowers.

We also have had fruit trees kindly donated :

5 x feijoa trees, a bay tree and an orange tree.  We had fun digging holes for these and feeding the soil with some good nutrients, so our trees are off to a great start.

We also took cuttings : bay tree, rosemary, and scented pelargoniums, we hope to sell these at the Country Show Day.

We potted up : cabbage trees, job tears plants and mint plants for Country Show day.

We sorted seeds : marigold seeds and filled envelopes.  We also made Seed Bombs for Country Show Day.


Below is a list of what we harvested the from the garden this term: 

Daikon radishes, parsley, rosemary, thyme, broccoli, cabbages, lettuces, spinach, silverbeet, miners lettuce, red mizuno, celery, turnips.


We discovered some garden signs in the shed that have the kids added some magic to, using some paint pens.  

We hope to add more signs and creations to the garden in the coming months.

Frogs : the children and I enjoy seeing the frogs are coming back.

We hope to work on creating a fitting habitat next term and over the summer as the garden grows a bit more wild.

Chickens : The children continue to love the interaction with Daisy and Maisie, the much loved chickens. I observed a younger class come out and draw pictures of the chickens with the intent to use this discovery time as part of their class writing 

Worms : the joy of discovering worms continues! Joyous squeals of excitement.

Bee Awareness Month / September : 

We discussed the importance of creating an environment for our bees to thrive.

The Children sowed alot of different flower seeds to plant out in our ‘bee&butterfly’ garden in the coming months. 

Butterflies : they are returning to the garden as the winter disappears. Lots of excitement.

Maori language week : we learnt a few new words for the ‘maru’ / garden

Picking Up Children from School

Scheduled Appointments

If you have a scheduled appointment  for your child during school hours please follow these instructions:

    1. Email the teacher (all teachers emails are on the School Website) before 8.30am with the time you will be collecting your child.
    2. You will pick your child up from the stop, drop, go area.
    3. Please stay in the car and the teacher will release your child at the specified time that you have requested.
    4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Early Pick Up

If you need to pick your child up from school before 3.00pm please follow these instructions:

    1. Email the teacher (all teacher emails are on the school website) and the office what time you need to pick up your child.
    2. You will pick up your child from the stop, drop, go area.
    3. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
    4. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.
    5. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Health Room Pick Up

If you receive a call that your child is sick/injured please follow these instructions:

  1. You will pick up your child from the stop, drop, go area.
  2. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
  3. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.
  4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.


Please make sure if you are sending medication to school with your child, they must give it to the office before school starts. All medication needs to be stored at the office and not in school bags

Reporting Positive Covid Case

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.

Cameron Lockie

Walking School Bus

After Car Free Day being a huge success last term, we are looking to start up our Walking School Buses for Term 4. Please see the flier below and keep an eye out for Buster this Thursday!

Silverdale School – Country Show Day – 29 October 2022 – 10am to 2pm
To get up to date information on our Country Show Day go to:

Congratulations to Josh Williams, Room 26. In September, Josh took the gold medal at the national Jiu Jitsu tournament in Rotorua in his age category. This is an amazing achievement and we are very proud of your hard mahi.

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

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