Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

School Newsletter – Wednesday 31 August

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 31 August

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


Welcome to Oliver Goldsmith-Betts who started with us this week. Our current roll is 838

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Jayden Daly, Harmony Diao, Hugo Kirk, Aiden Shang, Teodora Vlatkovic, Lulu Thomson, Maia Wait, Harry Owens, Brooklyn Bowern, Aidan Maylard, Elsa Feng, Tadgh Woodberry and Zoe Dunn.

Te Rā Daffodil Daffodil Day 26 August

Every day 71 New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer. For over 30 years New Zealanders have supported the work of the Cancer Society on Daffodil Day and they need our help again this year.

Please help Silverdale School to raise money to support the cancer Society’s work in Auckland. With your support, every dollar raised for Daffodil Day will go towards cancer care for patients and their whānau, education and awareness programmes, and life-saving cancer research.

On Friday 26 August Silverdale School held a mufti day and with everyone’s support we were able to raise $1966.60.


The Resilience Project Children Survey

Earlier this year our Year 4, 5 and 6 students took part in a Resilience survey.  The Resilience Survey measures resilience and wellbeing across 9 key domains: Understanding Self, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Safety, Healthy Body and Healthy Mind, Learning, Positive Attitude, Positive Values and Positive Identity. The survey results are anonymous and we can’t identify any students. The results have been shared with us and we have gone through the key findings..

Percentage of Year 4-6 children who answered yes to the question “I have an adult in my life I can talk to”




Silverdale School girls



NZ girls



Silverdale School boys



NZ boys



Keeping the pathway of communication open for our tamariki is important and can provide the opportunity for you to support your child with any struggles they may be encountering. have put together these helpful communication tips; 

Be available for your children

  • Notice times when your kids are most likely to talk–for example, at bedtime, before dinner, in the car–and be available.
  • Start the conversation; it lets your kids know you care about what’s happening in their lives.
  • Find time each week for a one-on-one activity with each child, and avoid scheduling other activities during that time.
  • Learn about your children’s interests–for example, favourite music and activities–and show interest in them.
  • Initiate conversations by sharing what you have been thinking about rather than beginning a conversation with a question.

Let your kids know you’re listening

  • When your children are talking about concerns, stop whatever you are doing and listen.
  • Express interest in what they are saying without being intrusive.
  • Listen to their point of view, even if it’s difficult to hear.
  • Let them complete their point before you respond.
  • Repeat what you heard them say to ensure that you understand them correctly.

Respond in a way your children will hear

  • Soften strong reactions; kids will tune you out if you appear angry or defensive.
  • Express your opinion without putting down theirs; acknowledge that it’s okay to disagree.
  • Resist arguing about who is right. Instead say, “I know you disagree with me, but this is what I think.”
  • Focus on your child’s feelings rather than your own during your conversation.


  • Ask your children what they may want or need from you in a conversation, such as advice, simply listening, help in dealing with feelings, or help solving a problem.
  • Kids learn by imitating. Most often, they will follow your lead in how they deal with anger, solve problems, and work through difficult feelings.
  • Talk to your children–don’t lecture, criticise, threaten, or say hurtful things.
  • Kids learn from their own choices. As long as the consequences are not dangerous, don’t feel you have to step in.
  • Realise your children may test you by telling you a small part of what is bothering them. Listen carefully to what they say, encourage them to talk, and they may share the rest of the story.

Parenting is hard work

  • Listening and talking is the key to a healthy connection between you and your children. But parenting is hard work and maintaining a good connection with teens can be challenging, especially since parents are dealing with many other pressures. If you are having problems over an extended period of time, you might want to consider consulting with a mental health professional to find out how they can help.

Garden to Table

Our Year 3/4 children are participating in the Garden to Table programme. The Garden to Table programme builds skills for life through highly practical, hands-on classes – not only teaching growing and cooking skills but also building awareness of individual and collective responsibility for the environment, healthy eating and community connectedness. It is an opportunity for our children to get their hands dirty and learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food.

A huge thank you to Karen (garden specialist) and Joanne (kitchen specialist) who work with our children three days a week. Thank you to all our volunteers who help with the programme through the week. Our gardens are looking fantastic thanks to all our Year 3/4 children, teachers and all our volunteers.

School Donation

Our school donation is $200 per child. This money is used to pay for a large number of additional curriculum resources, subsidise a number of school wide activities such as swimming, production, art, dance and drama resources, sporting functions, developmental material and related photocopying and other essential resources.  No child is excluded from using these resources but it does seem that quite a number of families relied on the goodwill of others to support their child.

Each term the Silverdale School Board puts all the names of those donations that have been made into a draw to give one child the chance to have their donation paid for the following term. The families that have received these in the past have been very grateful. We understand that a donation is voluntary and that it can be at times very difficult to manage. Mrs Reid in the office, is very happy to discuss possible arrangements for meeting this cost for your child.  Each small contribution adds up across the course of time and helps to enhance the substance of this school. Term 2 winner is Rhea Shah.


How To Help Your Child at School

As a parent, there are many things you can do at home to help your child have a good school year. These include making sure your child gets enough sleep, getting them to school on time, and reading at home every day. Below are some other tips.

A healthy diet and exercise

Children who eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise can concentrate better during the school day. It is important that your child eats a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and has opportunities to exercise every day through a sports team, fun activity, or playtime outside.


Getting enough sleep will help your child get up on time, feel good, and be ready for a full day of learning. Children need different amounts of sleep at different ages. 

5-6 Years Old: 10 – 12 hours per day

7-12 Years Old: 10 – 11 hours per day

12-13 Years Old: 9 – 10 hours per day

Getting to school, every day and on time

It will be easier for your child to complete daily learning, home learning, and assessments if they get to school on time every day. Limit the time your child misses for family trips and activities. Contact the school immediately if your child is absent.

Home learning

Help your child set a regular time and place for home learning. Choose a time that works well for your family’s schedule. Find a place that is quiet and has good lighting. Make sure your child has supplies such as pens, pencils, paper etc. Ask your child to show you their finished home learning each night so that you can see what they are learning and confirm that they are completing all their home learning.

Limit television, videogame, and computer time

Limit the time your child spends watching TV, playing video games, and using the computer. When possible, do these activities together, and look for educational programs and games. Help your child understand that they should never give out personal information on the computer or talk to strangers online.

Talking about school together

Ask your child to tell you about the school day. Ask them what they have learnt, and how they felt during the day. Listen carefully to their answers, and help them think of ways to solve any problems that they might be having in their schoolwork or in the classroom.


Set aside time to read with your child each day. You can make reading a part of daily routines by reading stories at bedtime and keeping lots of books and magazines in the house.

Learning at home

Help your child learn at home by sharing activities together, singing, talking, and telling stories. Visit educational places such as museums, the zoo, the park, or a historical monument. Find out what your child’s interests are, and look for activities and books that are connected to that interest.


Congratulations to Lyla from Room 24 who won 3rd place in the year 6-8 letter writing competition in the national ‘Our Papatūānuku’ competition.

Below is her winning letter.

Our Papatūānuku

Planet Earth

Kia ora Our Papatūānuku

I’m sending you this letter to tell you what I would tell the World leaders of what I ́d like the future

New Zealand to look like.

In 10 years time, I would like New Zealand to have green, lush, pollution free forests with flowing

streams where all native animals thrive.

Sustainability is important because it improves the quality of our lives, protects our eco systems and

preserves natural resources for future generations. That’s why our country needs more sustainable


Now, my main concern for climate change is deforestation, as it increases the amount of carbon

dioxide and soil erosion as well as destroying habitats for both animals and plants.

Something world leaders like you can support is tackling climate change. This will require working

towards shared goals such as developing solutions to capture carbon or decarbonize buildings.

I hope the leaders would listen to us.

Yours Sincerely,

Tō hoa

Lyla Castagna 

Picking Up Children from School

Scheduled Appointments

If you have a scheduled appointment  for your child during school hours please follow these instructions:

    1. Email the teacher (all teachers emails are on the School Website) before 8.30am with the time you will be collecting your child.
    2. You will pick your child up from the stop, drop, go area.
    3. Please stay in the car and the teacher will release your child at the specified time that you have requested.
    4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Early Pick Up

If you need to pick your child up from school before 3.00pm please follow these instructions:

    1. Email the teacher (all teacher emails are on the school website) and the office what time you need to pick up your child.
    2. You will pick up your child from the stop, drop, go area.
    3. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
    4. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.
    5. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Health Room Pick Up

If you receive a call that your child is sick/injured please follow these instructions:

  1. You will pick up your child from the stop, drop, go area.
  2. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
  3. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.
  4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.


Please make sure if you are sending medication to school with your child, they must give it to the office before school starts. All medication needs to be stored at the office and not in school bags

Mask Wearing for Term 3

In previous years we have found there is an increase in winter illnesses in schools at the start of Term 3 as students bring back infections after travelling and socialising during the holidays. This year cases of COVID-19 are increasing in most parts of the country, and we are also seeing high numbers of other winter illness

For Term 3 the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health strongly recommend that all schools and kura require mask wearing in all indoor settings for all staff and for students in Years 4 and above.

We will be following this advice which will mean:

– All staff will wear a mask while indoors. 

– All children in Years 4, 5, and 6 will wear a mask while indoors.

– We encourage Years 0, 1, 2, and 3 to wear a mask while indoors.

– Everyone who comes into school will be required to wear a mask.

This recommendation does not include any situation where mask wearing might not be practicable, such as while eating and drinking, indoor sport, where it will have a significant impact on teaching and learning (for example, students with particular learning needs). In these situations, particular attention should be paid to ensuring there is good ventilation during the activity, and physical distancing where practicable.

Wearing masks can reduce new cases of the virus by as much as 53%. It works alongside other measures including vaccination, good ventilation, staying home when sick, and hand washing and other hygiene measures, to protect our students and staff.

Keep up healthy habits – Unite Against COVID-19

We know that some of our tamariki/ākonga are exempt from wearing a mask. If they have an exemption card or a letter from their health provider, or we have agreed that mask wearing is not practicable for them, we will support them to not wear a mask.

Apply for a face mask exemption pass – Unite Against COVID-19

Please make sure that tamariki/ākonga come to school ready to wear masks. Students should bring masks from home. If students cannot bring masks from home, our school has a supply of child size masks for them to use.

Thank you for your support in protecting our school community.

Reporting Positive Covid and Household Contacts

Positive Covid

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.


Household Contact

  1. Email classroom teacher
  2. Email Office (
  3. Test child at Day 3 and Day 7 if both tests are negative and they have no symptoms and they are healthy then they can return to school.
Cameron Lockie

Triennial School Board Elections

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Please see the updated close of voting date below for the Triennial School Board Elections.

Read the below profiles of our candidates and then fill out your voting papers by choosing 5 people and then return them by either dropping them into the school office (see below) or posting them no later than Wednesday 7 September 2022 by 4:00pm.

We have 6 candidates and 5 vacancies.

Robert Pelsky

Timothy Harrod

Faye McIlroy

David Powles

Nolan Jex

Ann Jose

We would like to thank all the candidates and wish them all the best for the upcoming Board Elections.

Candidate Statements for the Board Elections

Silverdale School has 6 nominations for our school board which means that we will have an election. The election is for 5 parent representatives. You shopuld have received voting papers via mail please read the instructions on how to vote. If you have any questions about this process please contact Cameron at school.

PTA News 

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported our first Beats by Bingo on Saturday night.  

A special thanks to Abeeco and Caci Clinic who donated the amazing hamper, to our wonderful school family Dash from Super Liquor Whangaparaoa and Glenn from Northern Union.  Please support these amazing businesses.

Our next event is our ever so popular, Country Show Day – 29 October 2022. 

Cross Country Tryouts

This week, we held the Year 5 & 6 annual Cross Country Tryouts to determine who would represent Silverdale School at the Interschool Cross Country event in September.  We couldn’t be prouder of the 79 children who competed today through thick grass, sloppy mud, a water hazard and gravel.  Congratulations to all of you for showing hiranga and giving this event everything you have.

Please follow the link to the regestration forms.

Celebrate Dads this Father’s Day!

Whether it’s a Dad, Uncle, Grandad or Poppa in your life, make them feel extra special this Father’s Day with our ezlunch giveaway.  Every lunch order gets you a chance to win one of two $50 ‘Not Socks’ vouchers.

Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday 22 August – Friday 2 September to be in the draw to WIN!

Two vouchers, two winners!

The winners will be drawn on Friday 2 September and notified by email.
Go to to start ordering.

Keep munching on those mighty Yummy Apples. Collect the Yummy stickers and bring them into school, as we trade them for sports equipment. 5 weeks to go!

Silverdale School – Country Show Day – 29 October 2022 – 10am to 2pm
This week is jars and bottles:
Wine (we love wine!) sauces, oil, jams, spreads, dips, drinks, coffee – anything in a jar, bottle – please check expiry dates! Don’t forget items are for raffle hampers or stall prizes so must be new, unopened, unused, and
in date (expiry dates should be after 31 December 2022). Alternately, if you would prefer not to contribute items each week, you can donate $25, per family into the PTA account: 12-3046-0231780-00 Reference: Raffle Items before 21 October.
To get up to date information on our Country Show Day go to:

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

Ōrewa Surf Lifesaving Club –  Junior Family Membership

Early Bird Registration now open

Make the most of Summer Sundays and join us at beautiful Ōrewa beach as a member of Ōrewa Surf Lifesaving Club. We offer a fun, safe and family-oriented environment, building life skills, fitness, and respect for the water for children aged 3-13. Our members come from all over Auckland to enjoy everything Ōrewa Surf Club has to offer. Go to our website for more information about our junior surf programme:

Final day to take advantage of our early bird family membership rate is Sunday 16th October 2022.  First day on the beach, Sunday 30th October.

Ready to join:

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4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992