Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 3 August

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 3 August

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao, السلام عليكم. 


Welcome to Aroha Wallace, Liam Wewege and Telyn Park. Our current roll is 831.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Preston Jamieson, Bella Jiang, Matthew Monakhov, Ayn Cho, Jaxson Strydom, Rowan Jamieson, Chase Robson, Harry Anderson, Anna Xia, Xiante Pretorius, Mia Mackesy, Kami Bange, Jaiden Farnhill, Matilda Field, Jaxon Rihari, Angela Gu, Aaliya Syed and Oliver Louden.

Teacher Only Day – Friday 19 August

School will be closed on Friday 19 August for a teacher only day. This day will be a professional development day for the staff on the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories curriculum.

The Resilience Project Children Survey

Earlier this year our Year 4, 5 and 6 students took part in a Resilience survey.  The Resilience Survey measures resilience and wellbeing across 9 key domains: Understanding Self, Social Skills, Positive Relationships, Safety, Healthy Body and Healthy Mind, Learning, Positive Attitude, Positive Values and Positive Identity. The survey results are anonymous and we can’t identify any students. The results have been shared with us and we have gone through the key findings. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing with you some of our results.

To the question “I forgive myself when I mess up”. Overall, it works out that for Silverdale Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 – 28% never, rarely or only sometimes forgive themselves when they mess up.

Percentage of children who answered yes to the question “I forgive myself when I mess up”




Silverdale School girls 



New Zealand girls



Silverdale School boys



New Zealand boys



Positive Self Talk

Positive talk is the optimistic voice inside your head that is looking on the bright side and identifying the positives in a situation in your life. Empathy/Ngākau Aroha is about understanding how others are feeling and can lead to increased positivity in yourself.

You can practise positive self talk with your tamariki at home by trying this activity at home. 

Continuous Compliments 


  • 10 minutes together as a family (on a walk or during dinner works well).


  • Take turns as a family giving each other a compliment or describing something you appreciate them for.


Before giving someone else a compliment you have to give yourself one first to practise and model positive self-talk.

Continue until each family member has said three compliments about themselves and three compliments to others.


Canopy and Playspace Update

Lots of work has been done over the last two weeks on both projects.

The canopy will complete the steel erection this week and will begin the fabric installation soon.

The playspace should be completed by the end of next week.

Mask Wearing for the Start of Term 3

In previous years we have found there is an increase in winter illnesses in schools at the start of Term 3 as students bring back infections after travelling and socialising during the holidays. This year cases of COVID-19 are increasing in most parts of the country, and we are also seeing high numbers of other winter illness

For the start of Term 3, Monday 25 July, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health strongly recommend that all schools and kura for the first four weeks of term to require mask wearing in all indoor settings for all staff and for students in Years 4 and above.

We will be following this advice which will mean:

– All staff will wear a mask while indoors. 

– All children in Years 4, 5, and 6 will wear a mask while indoors.

– We encourage Years 0, 1, 2, and 3 to wear a mask while indoors.

– Everyone who comes into school will be required to wear a mask.

This recommendation does not include any situation where mask wearing might not be practicable, such as while eating and drinking, indoor sport, where it will have a significant impact on teaching and learning (for example, students with particular learning needs). In these situations, particular attention should be paid to ensuring there is good ventilation during the activity, and physical distancing where practicable.

Wearing masks can reduce new cases of the virus by as much as 53%. It works alongside other measures including vaccination, good ventilation, staying home when sick, and hand washing and other hygiene measures, to protect our students and staff.

Keep up healthy habits – Unite Against COVID-19

We know that some of our tamariki/ākonga are exempt from wearing a mask. If they have an exemption card or a letter from their health provider, or we have agreed that mask wearing is not practicable for them, we will support them to not wear a mask.

Apply for a face mask exemption pass – Unite Against COVID-19

Please make sure that tamariki/ākonga come to school ready to wear masks. Students should bring masks from home. If students cannot bring masks from home, our school has a supply of child size masks for them to use.

Thank you for your support in protecting our school community.

Reporting Positive Covid and Household Contacts

Positive Covid

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.


Household Contact

  1. Email classroom teacher
  2. Email Office (
  3. Test child at Day 3 and Day 7 if both tests are negative and they have no symptoms and they are healthy then they can return to school.
Cameron Lockie
Nominations are now open. 


Nominations close: Wednesday 3 August, 12pm

If there are more nominations than vacancies, then parents and caregivers will receive an invitation to vote either electronically or by post.  

Voting starts:  Wednesday 10 August

Election day is September 7

Voting count:  Tuesday 13 September

New board in place:  Wednesday 14 September.

Why join a school board? 

School board members are active leaders in our schools. They have an important role of supporting strong professional leadership and ensuring effective teaching for all students through informed governance.

Parents/caregivers and people in the wider community can be parent representatives. School boards need to represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a bright future for all our children.

The school board elections are the opportunity to vote for candidates who will make a positive difference for children’s education. We need more people willing to use their skills and experiences for the benefit of students!

To find out more information about becoming a school board member click this link.

Becoming a board member

Thank you Soilsafe Kids!

Last term the team from Soilsafe kids came out to work with Room 17. We spent an amazing two days looking at soil, counting worms, planning and designing gardens, talking about composting, worm farming and more! We read books about the soil, painted pictures using soil and created an action plan to help others learn about the importance of soil.

In addition to working with our students, the team has also generously donated $500 towards the school’s Garden to Table program, and each child that participated receives a $30 book voucher! We would like to thank Soilsafe kids for their generosity and kindness. 

Ngā mihi nui to the whole team.

You can check out the Soilsafe Kids website for some great ideas on how to look after our soil.

8 Days left to order!

The PTA Calendar Art fundraiser finishes on Monday 8 of August.

Please be aware that we will only be offering this purchase time.  After this cut off time no purchases can be made.

Orders can still be made! Last term students brought home instructions on how to order, including their unique code. If you have lost this information, please email

All orders can be made via the Kids Art website

This year we have calendars, notebooks, greeting cards, a mouse pad, diaries and a range of pens available to purchase, which make some fantastic Christmas gifts! Once logged in you can choose to use your child’s artwork or alternatively, load your own photo for printing on your artwork. 

Any further questions please contact or

Yummy Stickers.

Yes, it is that time again. So start munching and crunching your way through lots and lots of Yummy, juicy apples and start saving the Yummy stickers.

 Let’s see if we can get some amazing sports gear for our school this year.

Need a chart, Sticker Collection Sheet or come to Room 36.

Once your chart is full,  bring it back to Room 36. 

Aroha Ana – Thank you!

Just before the term break, Bryan and Harry of Crave Athletics took all their semi competitive and competitive teams to their first competition in 11 months (due to Covid disruptions).  All the teams placed in their respective divisions.   However, their Senior Novice team, Crystal not only placed but came Grand Champions of their whole division with the highest score from all 11 teams.  Congratulations to Aimee Whorwood, Chloe Pescott and Leah O’Reilly who were the Silverdale students in this team.   Crave Athletics runs non-competitive, semi competitive and fully competitive teams at their local Silverdale gym and also at here at Silverdale school during term time. 

Our school has chosen to participate in the exciting Scholastic Lucky Book Club this time.

Scholastic has a wonderful promotion that we didn’t want you to miss out on!

Check out the FREE Book offer when you place your order!

You can view the catalogue by clicking on the link below.

All orders are home delivery only for issue 5.

You can also download the App onto your phone… and order directly from there.

For assistance at any stage, please call 0800 266 525 and chat to the friendly customer care team at Scholastic,

email or click on the help button on the Book Club platform..  

Enjoy the wonderful selection of books and the FREE Book Promotion this term!

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

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