Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

School Newsletter – Wednesday 8 June.

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Wednesday 8 June

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao. 


Welcome to Jasper Fang and Easton Page who started with us this week. Our current roll is 814.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Nicholas Basson, Osborn Tian, Jordan Rossiter, Olivia Tian, Hannah Shaw, Reynard Van Rooyen, Alex Baker, Elithaf Melladi, Emily Wang, Josh Johansen, Akira Douglas, Jaxon Sung, Oliver Mackintosh, Maggie Huang, Chloe Langmore, Bryan Huy, Isla Bigwood, Julie Huang, Kabir Anand, Brady Walton and Jasmin Brown.

Learning Conservations – Wednesday 15 June and Thursday 16 June

The learning conversations are three-way conferences with the teacher, child and parent. Three-way conferences take the form of a conversation between the child, the parents and the teacher as they sit together and talk about the child’s learning, with the child taking an equal role. This approach give children an opportunity to share with their parents their growth as a learner. The three-way conferences are designed to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • to help children demonstrate evidence of learning,
  • to teach children the process of reflection and self-evaluation,
  • to facilitate the development of child’s organisational and oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence,
  • to encourage children, parents, and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue,
  • to encourage children to accept personal responsibility for their learning.

Times for Learning Conversations are:

Wednesday 15 June 12:30pm – 5:30pm and Thursday 16 June 3:15pm – 6:00pm

On Wednesday 16 June the school will close at 12.00pm, can you please collect your child at this time this is only for Wednesday 15 June.The  Stillwater bus will be running the normal time on Wednesday.

Each learning conversation session lasts for 15 minutes.

To make an interview booking go to The school code is vvn5b

School Closing Early on Wednesday 15 June

School will be closing early on Wednesday 15 June for Learning Conservations at 12.00pm please arrange for your children to be picked up at 12.00pm on Wednesday. Thank you.

Mid Year Reports

We are now ready to share your child’s Mid-Year Achievement and Progress Report with you on Friday 10 June. This will be emailed to you directly from SchoolTalk.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact on all New Zealand kura. Schools in Auckland have been particularly affected due to numerous cases and extensive lockdowns.  It has been uplifting to have our tamariki back in school, busy learning and engaging with their teacher and peers for the last 16 weeks. Teachers have been attending to student’s well being and our tamariki are thriving with face to face teaching.

At Silverdale School we use real time reporting through the use of Schootalk, where progressions are marked off as content is taught and when children have achieved them. The reduced time in classrooms for children over the last few years has meant that there have been less opportunities for teachers to teach, observe progress and mark off progressions. For this reason some children may not have made the academic progress that would be expected over this time. 

When looking at your child’s report you may find that there are specific areas on SchoolTalk where it appears your child is below the expected level, or has made no or limited progress, e.g. Geometry. However, rather than indicating that your child is struggling in this area, it may simply be due to this content not being taught in class yet. The upcoming Learning Conversations next week will be the perfect opportunity for you to discuss this further with your child’s teacher.

This report gives a snapshot of where your child is currently at. It will show a graph of achievement outlining how your child is progressing against each of the New Zealand Curriculum expectations for Reading, Writing and Mathematics and three next steps that your child will be working towards.

In conjunction with this report we will be holding learning conversations on Wednesday 15 June and Thursday 16 June. 

How to read your child’s Mid-Year Achievement Report?

Reading, Writing and Mathematics Reporting

The report shows you how your child is achieving against each of the areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The achievement snapshot can be broken into three parts:

  1. The first graph shows your child’s achievement on a continuum of working towards the expected level (yellow), working within or working above the expected level (green).  As your child moves through the school it will track their progress across each year level. This is displayed by the white dots and the connecting blue line. Please note that the year level at the bottom of the graph indicates the end of that year level.

2. The top blue bar shows the Overall Teacher Judgement of what your child has achieved to date for that subject. The remaining blue bars further break down achievement in each aspect of the curriculum.

3. Your child’s next steps for learning are detailed in the right hand column of the snapshot.  Up to 3 next steps are highlighted for each curriculum area.

By logging into SchoolTalk you can find out further detail on your child’s achievement, progress and next steps. 


What can I do if I do not receive my child’s report via email?

  1. Please check your spam/junk folder or your promotions folder.
  2. If you can still not find the report you can access your child’s 2022 Mid-Year Report (and all previous SchoolTalk reports), by logging in to SchoolTalk. Click on reports, the drop down arrow and then click on the report you would like to see. These reports can then be printed or downloaded.

School closed for Matariki

School will be closed to celebrate Matariki on Friday 24 June. 

Matariki is a special occasion in the New Zealand calendar which marks the start of the Māori New Year. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.

Kids Corner

Using the picture as a writing prompt, students in Room 27 and Room 29 wrote a story from either Kupe or Te Wheke’s point of view.

There is stinky rotten flesh falling down into the lurks of the deep.  Te Wheke flashing salty water into my mouth.  Furious aggressive salty water bashing against my wooden waka and soaking me.  Loud roar of lightning striking the water.  Gigantic red velvet life threatening octopus attacking me.

By Matthew Room 29

A slimy tentacle reached for the small wooden boat.  An enormous bright red octopus was swimming towards me, its little black beady eyes seemed to be staring at me.  Suddenly, waves begin to crash into the boat, as it starts to lean forward under the octopus’ tight grip.  Finally it gave up and swam away.

By Yu Room 27

Crash!  Some people are attacking me with their big brown boats.  The sound of big and small waves gliding across the salty seas.  The scent of wood and scent gets stronger until I saw tiny boats ahead of me.  The smooth and wet skin hitting me with his and his crew’s weapons.  The taste of wood with a hint of salt and blood.

By Johanna Room 29

The humongous wheke is rushing at me like a bullet.  Stormy rain goes plop as we fastly chase the giant wheke.  Salty water drips into my dry mouth as the wheke ricochets the boat like a ricocheting house.  The black beak ripping the brown waka and chewing on my slimy hands.  Salt- from the salt water making me cough.

By Liam Room 27

Reporting Positive Covid and Household Contacts

Positive Covid

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.


Household Contact

  1. Email classroom teacher
  2. Email Office (
  3. Test child at Day 3 and Day 7 if both tests are negative and they have no symptoms and they are healthy then they can return to school.

Pick Up and Drop off Students

Scheduled Appointments

If you have a scheduled appointment for your child during school hours please follow these instructions:

  1. Email the teacher and office (all teachers emails are on the School Website) before 8.30am with the time you will be collecting your child. 
  2. You will pick your child up from the stop, drop, go area.
  3. Please stay in the car and the teacher/office will release your child at the specified time that you have requested.
  4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Early Pick Up

If you need to pick your child up from school before 3.00pm please follow these instructions:

  1. Email the office and teacher what time you need to pick up your child.
  2. You will pick up your child from the stop, drop, go area.
  3. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
  4. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.
  5. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Late Drop Off

If you are dropping your child to school late, please do not get out of your car just send your child to their classroom, they do not need to go to the office.

Reporting Positive Covid and Household Contacts

Positive Covid

Contact Cameron ( use this format:

Child’s Name:

Child’s Room Number:

Date of positive test or first symptoms:

Last Day at School:

No need to test on returning back to school on Day 8.


Household Contact

  1. Email classroom teacher
  2. Email Office (
  3. Test child at Day 3 and Day 7 if both tests are negative and they have no symptoms and they are healthy then they can return to school.
Cameron Lockie

Supporting other children through Kindo
Kindo is adding a new feature to your myKindo portal enabling you to gift to others… starting with KidsCan. You will be able to buy lunch, shop and pay for our school items as normal, and you will now see some KidsCan donation offers on the checkout page.
Kindo will provide the donation receipts so you can claim back the 33% tax rebate – or sign up to TaxGift or Supergenerous to gift the rebate too.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email

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