Orange Traffic Light
With the announcement today that New Zealand will move into orange covid protection level from 11.59pm Wednesday 13 April I will be sending out tomorrow what this will look like at our school from Term 2 Monday 2 May.
For the last day of term we will continue to operate under our current red level settings, so no changes for the last day of school.
Thank You
Well we have nearly made it to the end of Term 1 and what a term it has been. For what feels like the first time, after two years of cautionary measures, COVID moved amongst us, impacting children/tamariki, families/whānau and staff throughout our community. It has been very hard for all of us, dealing with uncertainty, frustration, rescheduling, restrictions, possibly fear as well. This has not been an easy time for any of us.
Thank you to those who have supported your children/tamariki by keeping things as normal as possible for them, answering their questions, giving them extra time, space and love. They carry our anxieties, and I have been so impressed at the resilience and joy your children/tamariki have shown each day at school, as we have done the very best we could to keep school a safe, happy, learning-focussed and normal as possible environment for all our children/tamariki.
Thank you for your patience as we have had to repeatedly change plans over the last two years to accommodate new guidelines, do without things like inter school sport, camp,assemblies, face to face contact and requirement of mask wearing in the school for Years 4, 5,and 6 children/tamariki. None of us enjoy it, but we are bound to follow guidelines for the safety of all.
Thank you to those who have shown kindness to our school staff. I am so proud of all the staff here. Every day, they show their commitment to providing the very best learning opportunities to your children/tamariki, even while being faced with uncertainty about their own families/whānau and personal safety. They are tired, and these holidays are very much needed.
Enjoy some rest yourselves with your children/tamariki over the next two weeks as well. I am so hoping that the peak of COVID will pass soon, and that we can get back to having social and other events for families/whanau again. We have missed the face to face so much.
Enjoy your time with family/whānau, friends and have heaps of fun. Term 2 starts Monday 2 May.
Me te mihi nui mo a koutou manaakitanga – in appreciation of your support.
Mufti Day for the Children of Ukraine
Mufti Day is on Thursday 14 April, all the money raised will go to Save The Children
Children can come in mufti, if they can wear something yellow and blue that would be great. If not that’s all good and all children are to bring in a gold coin.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Anisa Shafiei, Aria Harrewijn, Rolan Feng, Leo Green, Ulyana Ushakova, Maxwell Light, Divandre Bruwer, Alessandra Queja, Brody Currie, Aurora Peat, Charlie Smith, Jade Biggs, Jeffrey Pang, Oscar Stevens, Brayden Huang, Daniel Zeng, Cameron Kitching, Mieke Goosen, Declan Bryce, William Hay, Connar Gloy, Emily Hay, Xander Love, Miana Hoskins, Archie Fletcher, Lyla Taylor, Poppy Ross, Albert Zhao, Ricky Fu, Kylestonael Iskandar, Raymond Lei, Eli Connell, Paige Gardner, Matthew Hurter, James Campion, Evelina Mikaelian, Brody Abbott, Charlize Neilson, Maisie Browne, Ruby Browne, Elimyss Caingod, Andrew Baek, Kayla Ross, Lau Senekal, Jeremy Yin, Arton Fenelus, Ellie Tuoh, Sagi Khusid, Olivia Bowater and Bella Pan.
Donation Refund
Thank you to all the families that have paid their school donation. We are very grateful for this contribution as this helps with funding of material resources for students and their programmes, technology upgrades and additional staffing and support services. The school donation is $200 per child and can be paid as a lump sum or $50 a term.
The winners of the school donation refunds are:
$200 – Sierra Smith Room 40
Term 1 $50 – Adam Dabagh Room 7
Site Blessing
On Monday 11 April we had a site blessing for our new 12 classrooms. Kereama Nathan and Trish Nathan from Te Herenga Waka o Orewa blessed our site. It was a beautiful morning and a special moment for all who attended. We had Alison Gilchrist, Maia Macpherson and James Stewart turned over the first sod of soil for the new classrooms. Hopefully the construction will commence soon as we are still waiting for Auckland Council to sign off on the consents.