Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Wednesday 16 February Silverdale School Newsletter

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola, Xin chao. 


In light of the Omicron cases evolving I have attached information to support our families with any Covid queries, and what you need to do.


Welcome to Freya Bakhshov, Madison Forbes, Parsa Mohammadi, Jhett Vincent, Denis Rotko, Isla-Summer McClean, Abel Rushworth, Maggie Gardener, Jace Potgieter, Jason Khiev, Daniel Li, Myka Du, Divandre Bruwer, Madison Goldfinch, Ayaan Pillai, Jesse Jacobs, Lila Benjamin, Lewis West, Zack Grobbelaar, Lienke Malan, Daisy Sun, Bryan Peng, Jaxson Strydom, Mikayla Strydom, Spencer Webb, Max Webb, Archer Franklin, Sierra Smith, Cooper Smith, Emmy Smith, Jonas Qiao, Beau Kirk, Hugo Kirk, Danike Olivier, Mason Oeschger, Eli Oeschger, Lily Oeschger, Sadie Wickman, Mynhardt Diedericks, Holly Muller-Bennett, Billie Holmes, Maya Simonson, Zimo Niu, Alba Lee, Kami Banger, Riyan Patell, Alessandra Queja, Jordy Buchanan, Randil Ekanayake, Aria Gibbs, Gregory Molchanov, Ahaana Prasad, Pryde Stevens, Kenul Silva, Oliver Louden, Nicolas Eade, Lomi Li, Sam Scott, Sophia Ku and Miguel Duting.

Our current roll is 788.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Maggie Derriman, James Collins, Mae Dalere, Carter Honore, Elsie Taiapa, Paige Strickland, Ethan Wu, Daniel Robinson, Constantine Su and Indigo Sweeney.

Red Level School

  • Please make sure that your child knows how they are getting home at the end of the day. Please remind them what gate you will be at. In the mornings no one is allowed at school until 8.30am and then only children are to come on site. Please make sure that you drop your child off at the gate, if needed we have staff at each gate to walk your child to class.
  • During red level we are asking that no parents/caregivers come onsite, if you do need to come to the office, come to the front door and ring the bell and someone will come to see you. If you have something to drop off to your child please write their name on it and put it in the box provided. 
  • If you do come on site you must wear a mask and sign in using the QR poster.

Pick Up and Drop off Students

Scheduled Appointments

If you have a scheduled appointment  for your child during school hours please follow these instructions:

  1. Email the teacher (all teachers emails are on the School Website) before 8.30am with the time you will be collecting your child. 
  2. You will pick your child up from the carpark by Gate 1.
  3. Please stay in the car and the teacher will release your child at the specified time that you have requested.
  4. Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Early Pick Up

If you need to pick your child up from school before 3.00pm please follow these instructions:

  1. Email the office what time you need to pick up your child.
  2. You will pick up your child from the carpark by Gate 1.
  3. Please stay in your car and call or text this number 0273369199 telling us you are at school.
  4. We will send your child to you, please stay in your car.

Please call or text this number 0273369199 telling us that you have your child.

Late Drop Off

If you are dropping your child to school late, please do not get out of your car just send your child to their classroom, they do not need to go to the office.

Learning support at home

In the current climate, we need to be flexible with the way we provide learning. Should either the class or a family group need to go into isolation, due to being identified as ‘a close contact’, we are prepared to support learning at home. Our teachers have hard packs ready to issue. Please note that hard packs will only be issued when the teacher or school deems this necessary – with medical notice or notice from the Ministry of Education. The hard packs alongside online links are enough to support learning at home for the period of 3 weeks without the daily input of a teacher.

We will not continue to support learning from home for those children/tamariki whose parents have chosen not to send their child/ren to school because of Covid. 

Online learning will only be provided to children who are required to self isolate or are learning from home on the advice of a doctor.

Useful links for home learning that you can use:

The Resilience Project

We are pleased to be introducing The Resilience Project’s wellbeing curriculum into our classrooms this year, again. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience. As part of the programme students will take part in weekly lessons and will receive their own journal/workbook.

Kelly Club is kindly subsidising the cost for our students. The $10 fee goes towards the cost of the journal for your child. We will be holding an information evening about the project on Monday 8 March at 6.30pm which all parents will be invited to attend. In the meantime, if you are interested in checking out the programme visit or feel free to ask me any further questions.

The Resilience Project is a schoolwide programme from Year 0-6 that provides practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. The programme focuses on three key pillars that have been proven to cultivate positive emotion; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). The programme also has a strong focus on Connection, Purpose, Kindness, Emotional Literacy and Physical Health. As part of the programme children receive a journal that they will use in their weekly lessons.


Meet the Parent Evenings

Our Meet the Parent Evenings are being held during the week from Monday 21 February until Friday 25 February beginning at 3.20pm. These interviews will be conducted via Zoom. These interviews will be 5 minutes and the main purpose of these interviews is for you to let your child’s teacher know about your child. It is also a time for you to gain some information about how your child’s class will operate and learn about the journey your child is embarking on this year. Children will not be required to attend.

To make a booking go to:

The school code is: 97ftn

Once you have booked a time on School Interviews website your child’s teacher will send you a link for the Zoom.


Children are expected to wear the school sun hat in Terms 1 and 4 at school. Silverdale School has a no hat, no play policy.

Shoes are a part of the uniform and should be worn to and from school. These should be completely black in colour and can either be sandals, lace-ups or buckle shoes. Headbands and hair ties for girls should be in one of the school colours (green, black or white). Students with long hair need to have it tied back. The only jewellery that is permitted are watches or stud earrings.

Car Parking

Just a reminder that there is no parking in both carparks at school. Please don’t park by the kindy as these parks are reserved for kindy parents. Thanks for your cooperation with this.

School Values

Our school values are:



Integrity/Ngākau pono

Our School Values in Chinese 

Kindness – 善良

Excellence – 卓越

Respect – 尊重

Integrity – 正直

Our School Values in Korean

Kindness – 친절

Excellence – 우수

Respect – 존경 

Integrity –  청렴

Our School Values in Afrikaans 

Kindness – Goedhartigheid

Excellence – Uitnemendheid

Respect – Respek

Integrity – Integriteit

Our School Values in Hindi

Kindness – दयालुता

Excellence – उत्कृष्टता

Respect – आदर करना 

Integrity –  अखंडता

At Silverdale School we believe:
* positive behaviour can be learnt and difficult and disruptive behaviour can be unlearnt;
* individual children are not a ‘problem’ – we need to change the environment around them to support positive behaviour;
* punishing and isolating children doesn’t bring about long-term and sustainable changes in behaviour;
* we need to concentrate on a small number of evidence-based programmes and frameworks that we know work;
* there are no quick fixes. Behaviour change takes time.

We have seen significant positive behaviour changes within our school. Our children are continually learning what it means to show Kindness/Atawhai, Excellence/Hiranga, Respect/Whakaute and Integrity/Ngākau pono and are continuously making great efforts to show these values.

If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to write, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach

If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to behave….we teach!

(adapted from Colvin, 2007)

These values came out of discussion with the children and staff in 2017. Our school-wide incentive programme is our Caught by KERI Stars, children can receive a Caught by KERI Stars for displaying one of our values. These Caught by KERI Stars and then collected and the children go into a draw to pick out of the prize box at our KERI assembly.


In light of the Omicron cases evolving, this information is to support our families with any Covid queries, and what you need to do.

We know that this will likely end up in disruptions to your life and work. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Please note that we are not the “health experts”, but do know that the Ministry of Health may be delayed in providing advice/guidance to you.

Please also note that this information is subject to change, based on any updated guidelines from the Ministry of Education & Health.

Who do we advise if my child tests positive for Covid-19?

Please contact Cameron as soon as possible after you have been informed of a positive test result.  


What actions does the school take when there is a positive case?

We follow a response plan based on guidance from the Ministry of Education.

This involves:

– Seeking confirmation of the positive case, and when the infectious period was.

– If this was on a school day, we then work through contact tracing.

– We will advise classes that are close contacts, via text/email initially, and then a follow up phone call.

– If this occurs during a school day, we will request that you come and collect your child as soon as you are able to.  

– Arrive at the main office, and we will bring your child(ren) out to you safely.

– Rest of school will be advised of the case, and becomes casual contacts.

How do we work out who is a Close Contact?

There is detailed guidance around this and a range of criteria. Without going into detail,   because our students spend a long time in the same classroom, this then fits the criteria for being a close contact.

My child is a close contact. What does this mean?

This means your child has had contact with a positive case at our school.  

They will need to isolate for 7 days and be tested on day 5. (Note – the 7 days start from the date that they were in contact with a positive case at school, because of the time lag between the confirmed case/test results, this may mean that your child only needs to remain home for a smaller number of days).

The day 5 test is likely when you would receive the notification of being a close contact.

We will advise you further regarding testing and isolation dates.

Do I need to provide anything before my child is able to return to school?

Yes please.  For positive Covid cases or close contacts we would like to see the last negative test result please.  

Note: if your family chooses not to get the Covid test done, then the period of isolation will need to be extended.

If my child is a close contact, does the rest of our household also need to isolate?

No, not for our region.  We have received official direction from the Auckland District Health Board and Ministry of Education that this no longer applies to the Auckland region.

Please note: the Covid19 website still says that other household members of close contacts are secondary contacts, and also need to isolate for 5 days, but this does not apply to the Waikato/Auckland areas.

A member of our household is a close contact. Can my child still attend school?

Yes, as above. Your child is able to attend school, as long as your child has no symptoms.

We received the letter saying that my child is NOT a close contact. What do I need to do?

Most importantly, your child is still able to attend school.

You and your whānau should watch for symptoms.

If any develop, get tested immediately.

Then, stay at home until you receive the result.

Please keep an eye out for school communications.

If your whānau hasn’t been vaccinated, please consider doing so as soon as possible.

My child has tested positive for Covid-19. What does this mean?

This will mean that your child will need to isolate.  All family members will be close contacts and also need to isolate.

Ministry of Health will provide more guidance.

A member of our household has tested positive. What does this mean?

This will mean that your child will be a close contact and also needs to isolate.  Ministry of Health will provide more guidance.

My child is feeling unwell (e.g. cough, headache, sore throat etc) Can I still send them to school?

Because these are all symptoms of Covid, please do not send your child to school.  While these may be the normal bugs/sniffles that occur, we encourage you to get your child tested.

Is it safe to send my child to school?

Our processes involve working through a detailed contact tracing assessment.  If your child is not a close contact, then school is still open for them and we encourage you to send them to school as much as you can.  

As you know, our students have missed a lot of teaching and learning over the past 2 years, and we really want to see them at school as much as possible.

Our school health and safety plan for Red does contain a large number of protections.

What are you doing to keep my child safe?

All staff, volunteers, contractors on site are vaccinated.

We have good ventilation through our classrooms.

Students in Year 4 and above are asked to wear masks while indoors.

All staff are wearing masks while indoors.

Year 1, 2, 3 students are encouraged to wear a face mask but this is not compulsory.

We have staggered break times and areas to minimise contact between large groups of students and students at different age levels.

My child is anxious or scared. What advice do you have?

Our staff are working hard to make school fun, safe and a place of learning.  We encourage you to focus on the things that they can do to help – mask-wearing, washing hands, getting a test (if required).

My child needs to isolate at home. What support will school provide around teaching and learning?

Our support and response will depend on whether class teachers are also isolating at home.  

If our teachers are also isolating, they will be in touch to offer our remote learning support (virtual connections, activities etc).

If our teachers are still at school, they will look to connect with you, and see what can be organised.

Protecting our tamariki/children from Omicron

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, public health advice has noted that our experience in New Zealand and overseas with COVID-19 shows that it does not affect children and teens in the same way it does adults.

While the role our tamariki play in transmitting COVID-19 is still unclear and is changing as new variants evolve and older populations become increasingly vaccinated, as of 28 January the Ministry of Health has advised “no new evidence has emerged yet on the transmission risk to or from children in light of Omicron … it is likely that children continue to pose a lower risk of transmission”.

As such, the Ministry of Health’s current advice is that transmission within school settings continues to be limited and is influenced by broader transmission in the community and household settings. That is, although children are susceptible to infection, transmission is more likely to occur between adults and from adults to children; the risk of child-to-child or child-to-adult transmission is considerably less.

Commonly, children have mild or no symptoms of COVID-19 with a short duration of illness that includes headache, fever, cough, nasal congestion and fatigue. Those more at risk are those living with pre-existing health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and obesity and socioeconomic barriers to accessing health care.

We can protect our tamariki through key interventions such as wearing masks, good ventilation, spatial distancing, ‘stay at home if sick’ policies and good hand hygiene. Encouraging good behaviours that will adhere to the COVID-19 Protection Framework outside of school hours, will also help to reduce risk for tamariki, their friends and whānau.

For more detailed information about the Omicron variant go to the Ministry of Health website.

Cameron Lockie

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

Is your child struggling at school? Or do they just need a confidence boost? 

Extraordinary Kids provides extra help with Maths, Reading, Writing and spelling in Browns Bay for students 6 to 16 years old.

  • Homework Help

  • Structured Learning Environment

  • Programmes for Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties

  • Warm and Friendly

  • Small Groups/ Individualised Work

  • Spaces Available now

Phone:  09 475-6296



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Silverdale School COVID – FAQ.pdf