Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Friday 29 October – Changes To Our Distance Learning Programme/Ko ngā whakarereke ki tō tātou Akoranga Tawhiti

Friday 29 October

Changes To Our Distance Learning Programme/Ko ngā whakarereke ki tō tātou Akoranga Tawhiti

Team Te Ōhanga Term 4 Home Learning/Ko te Akoranga Kāinga o te Rōpū Te Ōhanga 

Whole-Class Zooms/Ko ngā Zui ā-Tūtahi Akoranga – 9.00 am Zui/Zoom lessons each weekday with Friday’s having more of a social and fun focus.

Mini Zooms/Ko ngā Zui Iti Team Te Ōhanga will trail running  Mini Zooms/Zui. These will be once a week for 15 minutes and run by either your child’s classroom teacher or a teacher aide with who they are familiar with. Teachers will group students each week to best cater for the needs of their own class such as; social interaction, targeting learning goals or for the sharing of work.

Your child’s classroom teacher will send out the timetable with grouping for the week ahead. These groups will be set each week and we won’t be able to change things around if you can’t make it. We would appreciate you keeping this 15 minutes free for your child.

Daily Timetable/Ko te WātakaWe have moved from a daily timetable to a “Choice board”. Each day your child should choose one activity from each subject slide. Your child’s classroom teacher may also give you some direction in the morning zoom. 

The new Choice Board will continue to be uploaded on a Sunday for the upcoming week. This can be found on our Distance Learning Website on the Team Te Ōhanga Page.

Team Kiwi Term 4 Home Learning/Ko te Akoranga Kāinga o te Rōpū Kiwi  

Whole-Class Zooms/Ko ngā Zui ā-Tūtahi Akoranga – 9.30 am Zoom lessons will run from Monday to Thursday. On Friday’s Zoom, we will  read the weekly poem and have more of a social and fun focus.

Mini Zooms/Ko ngā Zui ItiTeam Kiwi will trial running Mini Zooms/Zui. These will be 15 minutes and run by either your child’s classroom teacher or a teacher aide with whom they are familiar with. Teachers will group students each week to best cater for the needs of their own class such as; social interaction, targeting learning goals or for the sharing of work.

Your child’s classroom teacher will send out the timetable with grouping for the week ahead. These groups will be set each week and we won’t be able to change things around if you can’t make it. We would appreciate you keeping this 15 minutes free for your child.

Daily Timetable/Ko te WātakaWe have moved from a daily timetable to a “Choice board”. Each day your child should choose one activity from each subject slide. Your child’s classroom teacher may also give you some direction in the morning zoom. 

The new Choice Board will continue to be uploaded on a Sunday for the upcoming week. This can be found on our Distance Learning Website on the Team Kiwi Page.

Team Pūkeko Term 4 Home Learning/Ko te Akoranga Kāinga o te Rōpū Pūkeko

Whole-Class Zooms/Ko ngā Zui ā-Tūtahi Akoranga – 10 am Zoom/Meet each weekday with a teaching focus. On Fridays/Rāmere we will have more of a social, sharing and fun focus.

Mini Zooms/Ko ngā Zui iti – From Week 3, we will trial running small group Mini Zooms/Ko ngā Zui iti. Students will attend one mini zoom/zui each week. These will be 15 minutes and run by either your child’s classroom teacher or a teacher aide with whom they are familiar with. Teachers will group students each week to best cater to their own class, considering needs such as; social interaction, targeting learning goals or for the sharing of work.

Your child’s classroom teacher will send out the timetable with grouping for the week ahead. 

Daily timetable/Ko te Wātaka – Team Pūkeko have changed the current structured timetabled format to a Choiceboard that will be shared to with your child each week through Google Classroom. This will run alongside your child’s own Weekly Student Slideshow that we have been using since the beginning of this term that students will continue to use to show evidence of their learning. Your classroom teacher will give direction to students about working from this. The Choiceboard will also be available for parents to view on the school Distance Learning website.

Team Tūī Term 4 Home Learning/Ko te Akoranga Kāinga o te Rōpū Tūī 

Whole-Class Zooms/Ko ngā Zui ā-Tūtahi Akoranga – 9.30 am Zoom each weekday with a teaching focus.  On Fridays we will have more of a social and fun focus.

Daily Timetable/Ko te WātakaWe will continue to use the Distance Learning timetable as it stands.  However we have added in tasks at different levels to cater for students needing more challenging or more accessible learning.  We have endeavoured to make changes to this doc to make it more user friendly and intuitive.

As well as the distance learning site, Tui teachers share the learning tasks with each child via their Google classroom. This allows students to ‘hand in’ their learning and for teachers to give feedback to each child about their learning over the week. This helps keep the teachers and students connected and provides further support with learning.

Mini Zooms/Ko ngā Zui iti 

Year 5

From Week 3, the Year 5 team will trial running small group Mini Zooms. Students will attend one mini zoom each week for 15 minutes. Teachers will group students each week to best cater for the needs of their own class such as: social interaction, targeting learning goals or for the sharing of work.  Your child’s classroom teacher will send out the timetable with grouping for the week ahead. 

Year 6

The Year 6 team will continue with their daily support Zooms at 11.45-12.15pm .Please see the schedule below with the appropriate link. We encourage you to remind your child about these extra Zoom sessions if they are finding a learning task difficult to complete independently. Please note the Friday link has changed. This will now stay the same for the duration of distance learning.

Day – Linked to zoom

Meeting ID and Passcode

Please note that these links and passcodes will stay the same each week so you can continue to use them.


Matua William

Meeting ID: 852 2882 4708

Passcode: a47kNd


Whaea Emma

Meeting ID: 965 4181 2734

Passcode: q7JwRs


Mrs Lowans

Meeting ID: 846 3697 3540

Passcode: 1yyg8q


Whaea Kate/Whaea Steph

Meeting ID: 938 1856 7742

Passcode: tsy0LM


Mrs Carruthers

This is a Google meet and does not require a passcode or meeting ID

If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.

Cameron Lockie
