Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Tuesday 17 August – COVID-19 Update

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

COVID-19 Update

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola. 

COVID-19 Update – Tuesday 17 August 2021

With the news of a positive case of COVID-19 in the community this afternoon, we are waiting for a decision from the government if we are changing alert levels. Until we hear this announcement school is open as usual.
At the moment please prepare for your child to attend school tomorrow.
I will be sending home a Google Form to parents of year in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 today, asking if you will need your child’s school chromebook if we move to alert level 3 or 4.
Please complete this form to help me to distributed the chromebooks. More details will follow about how we will distribute the chromebooks.
Any questions please Cameron.  
Cameron Lockie

We will be holding a mid year stocktake of our library in week 4 of this term, beginning Monday 16 August.  

Please can you ensure ALL books are returned as soon as possible to the library.

Great news for Silverdale School!

Each Membership sold between 1 August and 30 September will put your school in the draw to win a $1,000 JB Hi-Fi e-gift voucher!     

This prize will be won by one lucky New Zealand school. Make sure you get the word out to your school community so that it could be yours. 

I have included your Online Order Page link below to make it easy to sign up.


Orewa College Enrolment

Applications are now open for 2022 enrolments.

Please visit our website under Information/Enrol.

Out of zone applications can be submitted the same way and close on 1 September, with a ballot taking place on 8 September 2021.

Y7 Information Evening is on Thursday, 26 August 2021 at 7.00pm in the Orewa College Arts & Events Centre.

Queries can be emailed to:

F45 Silverdale

F45 Silverdale is super excited to partner with Silverdale School. Lots of school families are members at our gym and we can’t wait to do our first fundraiser together. 

They will be providing a ’21 Day Kickstart for $50′. Valued at $198, this is a great way for first timers to come and see what all the fuss is about.  All proceeds will go to our school.  Feel free to use this yourself, or gift it to a friend. 

F45 Silverdale is designed to provide a functional full body workout whilst improving energy, metabolic rate, strength and endurance for all fitness levels. Our Silverdale community spirit & world class friendly coaches provide a workout experience like you haven’t experienced before. 

Terms & conditions: 

– Valid until November, 1 2021 

– First time trialists only 

– 21 Days to be used in a consecutive row

– Payment on Kindo under PTA fundraiser, please enter all relevant details requested and the F45 team will be in contact with you. 

Thanks to the F45 Silverdale team Cory, Sarah, Emma and all the trainers who so generously support our school.

Our Country Show Day Sponsors

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Community Notices

Hi fabulous families!
We are very excited to announce that is partnering with New Zealand Fashion Week to produce their ‘Kids Show’ on Sunday 29th August.

We are currently casting this show, and are looking for mature, energetic, fabulous children to walk the runway in our designers’ stunning outfits. 
Children must be between 3 yrs and 15 yrs of age. They also must be available to attend a fitting at 3pm on the 22nd August. 
To be considered for this opportunity, please fill out the attached form and send to before Saturday 7th August.
If you are chosen to participate, you will be notified on Sunday 8th August.

Silverdale School Cheer Team 2021

Crave Athletics are now open for any new year 3-6 members interested in joining.

Competitive Cheerleading is a provisionally recognised Olympic sport. It builds strength, develops coordination, and fosters teamwork. During practices, athletes will be taught the basic foundations of stunting, tumbling, jumping, and dancing. These skills will be strung together into a routine that will be competed against schools all over the Auckland area.

No prior experience required.

Practice is every Friday during lunchtime in the school hall.  Year 3 – 6 only.

Please follow this link to join or enquire.


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4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992