Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Wanted – Garden to Table – Kitchen Specialist 

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Garden to Table – Kitchen Specialist 

The Garden to Table programme is changing the way children approach and think about food. All around the country, we want to see children enthusiastically getting their hands dirty and learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food.

Established in 2008, Garden to Table now works with thousands of primary-school-aged children all across New Zealand, helping them discover a love for fresh food and skills that will last a lifetime. The programme is curriculum-integrated and provides real-world learning opportunities, taking learning outside the classroom.

The Garden to Table programme builds skills for life through highly practical, hands-on classes – not only teaching growing and cooking skills but also building awareness of individual and collective responsibility for the environment, healthy eating and community connectedness. 

Garden to Table schools embrace a dynamic and innovative model where primary school children spend time in a productive veggie garden and home-style kitchen every week, learning skills that will last them a lifetime and connecting the practical lessons back to curriculum outcomes. Children are encouraged to take that learning back to their family and community, growing, cooking, eating and enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables at home. 

We need your help. We need a kitchen specialist  to work with our children every week. This is a paid position.

Kitchen Specialist 

  • Be passionate and knowledgeable about food. 
  • Liaise with garden specialist, classroom teacher, school and volunteers.
  • Support children in small groups to prepare, cook and share food.
  • Plan menus.
  • Love working with children.

If you have any of these skills please contact me at school to register your interest  for this position. 


We need volunteers. Volunteers can be parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, next door neighbours, students or retirees – anyone from within the school or local community who is keen to contribute their time and enthusiasm. And volunteers need no special skills other than an interest in the Garden to Table philosophy and working with children. If you can volunteer please contact me at school.

Cameron Lockie

Blues Rugby

Join the Blues whanau and their southern rivals, the Crusaders, for a pre-season re-match at New Zealand’s first dedicated summer rugby festival, the Blues Footy Fest!

Fans are encouraged to bring the whole whanau and arrive well before the 3.35pm kick off (gates open at 1pm) so they can enjoy the Kids Zone, live local music, food trucks, garden bar, marketplace and much more, whilst supporting community charities and businesses.

A portion of ticket sales from the Blues Footy Fest will be donated to children’s charities;  I Have a Dream Charitable Trust and KidsCan.

Supporters who buy a ticket to the Blues Footy Fest will also have the opportunity to gift a $9 ticket to the Graeme Dingle Foundation, who will invite deserving young Aucklanders to share in the festival celebrations who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to attend.

Tickets available from TicketMaster at the family friendly price of $20 per adult. Kids go free with a paying GA adult ticket.

 You are. I am. We are. The Blues.

Leaving the school?

If your family is moving to another school that does not use ezlunch or myKindo for school payments, you need to close your account.

If you’re not sure about the new school, log in to your account, go to My Details and click on the list of schools, scrolling to find your new school. Note that one family account can manage students at multiple schools.

If your new school is NOT on the list, use the ‘close account’ button on that screen.
You can choose to donate your balance to school (where available) or have it paid out to your nominated bank account.     



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