Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Wednesday 16 December Silverdale School Newsletter

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter Wednesday 16 December

Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e leleli, Kia orana, Fakalofa lahi Atu, Taloha Ni, Ni sa bula, 你好, Namaste, 안녕하세요, Hola. 

2020 has been the most challenging year for all of us. Navigating our way through a global pandemic we became agile and soon adopted many new practices with distance learning, Zoom meetings, Google Meets. Terminology took on new meanings for lockdown and bubbles and we were called to be kind, stay safe and stay home. The 1pm daily update with Dr Ashley Bloomfield and our Prime Minister were watched in anticipation of new daily numbers and if there would be changes to Alert Levels. However, in these unprecedented times we came together as a community to support each other and our KERI values shone through throughout both lockdowns and while at school.

For our Year 6s who are leaving us, well done on the successes that you have achieved while at Silverdale School. There are many measures of your success such as your sporting success, your academic success, your cultural achievements and the successful way in which you relate to others. One of the keys to the success of successful people is that they never settle with where they are. They are always looking to improve. 

In everything that you do, next year, I encourage you to not settle for the average or the mediocre. Don’t settle for friendships that don’t push you to be better and to do better. Look for ways to get better at what you do. To get better at something requires effort and intent. It takes a decision to go that little bit further, to do that little bit extra.  Make that decision to push yourself.

2021 Start Date

Children’s first day back at school is Tuesday 9 February. Please check our website for when the office is open.

Thank You

Thank you to our Board of Trustees, Alison, Megan, Steven, Nicola, Hayley, Mark, Laura, Lynn and Kat. You have shown great leadership throughout this extraordinary year and the school is thriving because of your leadership. The community can rest assured that our school is extremely well governed and managed.  

To the PTA, thank you for the hard work you have put into the school this year. You all show high energy and motivation to work for the school and all your hard work has paid off with the amazing amount of money you have raised for our school this year. The dedication and effort you all put into everything you do is truly amazing and we appreciate all the fantastic work that you all do. The PTA has donated $55,000 to the school this year.

Thank you to all our hard working staff, without your time and effort, the school would not be at the forefront of education in this country. We are very lucky to have such high quality teachers teaching our children. The amount of extra hours they put into their teaching and learning programmes is truly amazing.

To all our families and children who are leaving us, thank you for being part of Silverdale School and making our school the best possible school it can be. We have enjoyed having you and being part of your learning journey. I wish you all the luck in whatever you do.


Farewell to Stacey Moran, Rebeccah Bassett-Smith, Giorgia Doughty, Sophie Kay who will be leaving us at the end of the year. We will have a farewell assembly in the hall at 11.20am, all are welcome. 


Welcome to Jenny Blick who will be teaching in Room 38 with a Year 1 class in 2021.

Welcome to Becky Jeune who will be teaching in Room 2 with a Year 2 class in 2021. 

Last Day of School

Just a reminder that the last day is Friday 18 December and school will finish at 12.00pm. Please make sure you have made arrangements to pick up your children at 12.00pm. If your child catches the bus, the bus will leave school at 12.00pm.

Cameron Lockie

Stillwater Bus

Friday 18 December- Last day of Term

The Stillwater bus will be leaving school at 12pm then going to Stella Maris, which finishes at 12.20pm. Please be aware the bus may arrive a little late.

Leaving the school?

If your family is moving to another school that does not use ezlunch or myKindo for school payments, you need to close your account.

If you’re not sure about the new school, log in to your account, go to My Details and click on the list of schools, scrolling to find your new school. Note that one family account can manage students at multiple schools.

If your new school is NOT on the list, use the ‘close account’ button on that screen.
You can choose to donate your balance to school (where available) or have it paid out to your nominated bank account.     



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