Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Wednesday 18 November Silverdale School Newsletter

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako


Welcome to Matthew Pearce and Ryan Ha. our current roll is 861.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Samuel West, Ella Bryce, Daio Coleman, Elaine Wang, Armaan Mann, Baoqi Yu, Archie Connolly, Leah O’Reilly, Ellie Ngorn, Ruby Connolly, Nathan Baker, Zach Maxwell, Adriana Quevedo Ayala, Erin Gardener, Esmee Grootscholten, Noelle Deviatova, Hayk Ford, Richie Bagnall, Jaco Uys, Ayla Shirtliff and Daniel Keene.

2020 Silverdale School Parent Survey 

Please complete the parent survey. I would be grateful if you could fill this out by Monday 30 November. 

The link to the survey form is

PTA News

Thank you to everyone that attended Quiz Night on Saturday.  It was a fabulous night for fundraising.  I hope everyone enjoyed a good night.

Unfortunately we will be postponing Colour Rush until early next year, advertising for the new date will be advised early 2021, so keep an eye out.   

PTA Mufti Day, will be on the 27 of November – gold coin donation please.  Theme will be Colourful Crazy Day.  Weather permitting we will also sell ice cream on that day. 

Drop Off and Pick Up Information

As a large school with 861 children, 70 staff, our preferred option is to drop off and pick their children at the gate as I feel this helps us to know and control who is on site during the mornings and afternoons. Currently we are asking people who come on site to sign in at the office (this is for our records in case we have an emergency) and to sign in using the Covid app.

We will not stop parents/caregivers coming on site to drop off or pick up their children if parents/caregivers want to. We would ask parents/caregivers to sign in using the Covid app, a QR poster is displayed in each classroom. We would not need parents/caregivers to sign in at the office as this would take a long time.

I hope this clarifies this situation, if not please contact Cameron at school.

Traffic Concerns

We are still concerned with the behaviour of some of the drivers using Millwater Parkway and  Bankside signalised intersection, in particular red light running.

We often observe a number of vehicles speeding and also a significant number running the red light. We do not want to see anyone being hit by a car while crossing at the lights by a car who runs a red light.

Please make sure that you stop on the yellow light at the traffic lights outside of school. Before and after school is a busy time with children and parents using the lights to cross the road, we do not want an accident to occur because you run the red light. Please reduce your speed and look out for children. A yellow signal means stop, unless you are so close to the intersection that you can’t stop safely. A yellow signal indicates that the lights will soon turn red. If you fail to do this then the penalties are $150 fine and 20 demerit points if you fail to slow down and stop when traffic lights turn yellow (unless you cannot stop safely). 

Traffic Concern 2

There has been an increase in parents dropping their children off on Longmore Lane, by the roundabout. For your own safety, and the safety and convenience of other road users, there are certain areas where you must not park. You risk being fined, $60 and/or having your vehicle towed away if you park in these areas. You must not park or stop your vehicle:

  • where it will be in the way of other people using the road (including pedestrians)
  • on a marked bus stop or taxi stand
  • in front of, or closer than 1 metre to, a vehicle entrance
  • on ‘no stopping’ lines (broken yellow lines) marked within 1 metre of the edge of the road, which you may see near pedestrian crossings, intersections, driveways or narrow roads.

This also includes parking and waiting for children on Stella Maris Lane. Please do not park on broken yellow lines, it’s for the safety of ours and your children.

There is plenty of parking at Metro Park carpark, by the cricket nets and it’s only a 400m walk to and from school. Children can walk there and they don’t cross any roads. This is a safe option for children.

Kids Corner

In Week 4, Team Tui were lucky to have Adam visiting from OMGTech to help us with our inquiry.  We have been learning about how we can communicate emotions through the arts.  Each class has been creating different visual artworks to represent emotions.  We have learned about the elements of art including texture, colour, line and shape and thought about how these change with each emotion.
Then we got to do something really cool!  Adam brought in some Makey-Makey kits. We had used conductive paint in our artworks so we were then able to use the Makey-Makeys to turn the art into a circuit that creates an action.  For example, we programmed some artworks to play sounds and some read out poems we had written. Check out some photos from the workshop below:

Walking School Bus

Whaea Marchelle and Whaea Stacey-Lee are two mums who run the Weir Lane Walking School Bus. They volunteer every morning and afternoon to transport our children to school. Each child gets issued with a “bus ticket” which they click off after each journey, and Auckland Transport provides prizes once this is completed (50x clicks).  

Thank you Whaea Marchelle and Whaea Stacey-Lee.  

If any other parents want to start a walking school bus, Auckland Transport will happily meet with you to arrange all the kit you need.  Please contact the school if you are interested. 

Getting to and from School

If your child/ren are walking/biking/scootering to or from school can you please go over with them how to do this safely. Over the past few weeks we have had a number of reports of our children not being very safe when they are walking/biking/scootering to or from school. Below are some general tips.

How to stay safe when walking

  • Use pedestrian crossings or cross at traffic signals.
  • Stop and check at every driveway.
  • Walk on the footpath, close to the houses and away from the road.
  • Hold hands if walking with a young child near roads or in car parks.

Crossing the road, when there’s no pedestrian crossing

  • be patient and cross the road only when it’s safe to do so (it takes time for a vehicle to stop)
  • then use the kerb drill:
  1. Stop one step back from the kerb.
  2. Look and listen for traffic coming from all directions.
  3. If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed and then look and listen for traffic again.
  4. If there is no traffic coming, walk quickly straight across the road.
  5. While crossing, look and listen for traffic, wherever it may come from.

When using a pedestrian crossing

  • Use official crossings where possible – in fact, if you’re within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing, the law requires you to use it.
  • Check that approaching vehicles have seen you and can stop before you step out.
  • Cross as quickly as you are able.
  • For crossings with signals, only cross when the green person or message shows.

Term 4 Finish Date and Time

Term 4 will finish on Friday 18 December at 12.00pm.

New Building Projects for 2021

2021 is gearing up to be a big year for us in building projects. We have two big projects planned for 2021. The first is a canopy covering the netball courts. This project is due to start late April and be completed by the middle of May. This area will be a fantastic area for our school and community. It will have lighting and a sound system.

Our second project is the building of another 12 classrooms. This project should start in August 2020 and will take about 12 months to complete. We will be moving the may pole and the Year 3/4 playground early next year. Early next year once we have completed the design of the new classrooms we will have an information evening to go over the plans with our community.

Cameron Lockie

Library Stocktake Help

We have our annual library stocktake on Monday 23 November.  If anyone is available to help out with scanning and tidying it would be greatly appreciated.  We will be starting at 9.00am and finishing around 2.00pm.
If you are able to help please contact the office –


Even with such a disrupted year our Travelwise Team were very excited last Friday to hear that our school has earnt a GOLD award for 2020! 

This is largely due to the awesome involvement of our community with taking more active modes of transport to and from school and the greater use of Metro Park before and after school. Well done to our Travelwise Team for promoting safe travel to and from school!

PTA News
Thank you to everyone that attending Quiz Night on Saturday.  It was a fabulous night for fundraising.  I hope everyone enjoyed a good night.

Unfortunately we will be postponing Colour Rush until early next year, advertising for the new date will be advised early 2021, so keep an eye out.   

PTA Mufti Day, will be on the 27th of November – gold coin donation please.  Theme will be Colourful Crazy Day.  Weather permitted we will also sell ice cream on that day. 

Cookie Time Christmas Cookie Buckets
Cookie Time Christmas buckets are the perfect Christmas gift or treat this time of year! If you would like to order any buckets, please fill out the attached order form and email to by the 25th of November.
Cookies can then be collected from the field opposite the school .

Silverdale School Flippa Ball, Sunday 14th November

Following having a break last week, the Silver Fins were up against the Silverdale Strikers for their third game of Term 4.  Having played against the Strikers before, the Fins were under no illusion that a win against the Strikers was a foregone conclusion.  And, as the Fins were down one team mate this week, there was no room for complacency.  The time had come to pull out all the stops.  The strategy was simple.  Our defense lines were set with Jack Wooller, Blake Thow, and Zack Gibbins standing guard and barricading the Goal, with our Goalie Jamie Welch the last line of defense.  This left the Fins with Striker Alice Bauld, along with Morgan Lusher and Julian Beall, both in mid field and up front.  First whistle the Fins, courtesy of Julians swift swimming, gained possession of the ball and very quickly it moved in the right direction, towards the goal via Jack and Alice.  However although the Fins looked strong, keeping the ball and scoring were proving to be next level.  A strong opponent, the Strikers were swift, and matched the Fins every step of the way both in speed and agility.  More often than not the ball was nowhere to be seen, lost in a sea of Blue and White Caps relentlessly going head to head.  After several minutes of this type of carry on, I muttered to the other mum next to me on the score table that it didn’t look very likely that either team was going to score… until finally a breakthrough!  Striker Alice achieved the impossible!  Yep with three of the opposition on her at once she still managed to swiftly execute a superb and accurate throw giving the Fins their first goal.  Go Alice!  That was all the encouragement the Fins needed to continue and Morgan quickly hurtled the ball into the goal only to find it was a No Goal.   Alice scored a second time taking the game from being what can only be described as a hot mess (for all the right reasons) to a game of substance.  This was all the encouragement Morgan needed for a second attempt, and this time she shot and scored, and, followed up with a hi-five from Alice, Morgan took the score to 3 – 0.  The Strikers however were having none of this.  And although the ball did spend a lot of time up our end of the goal during the first half, they fought hard and fast and were equally as determined.  Finally before the first half drew to a close Alice scored again.  Now you’re talking Alice!  Score 4 – 0.  Second half it was de-ja-vu with Alice scoring very early on, but our clean sweep was momentarily  short lived, when the Strikers, listening to their motivated coach calling out to them saying ‘come on guys, they are winning!!!!’ The Strikers scored two Goals in very quick succession, finally giving Jamie some much needed action – as it had been a little quiet up his end.   Blake, Zack, and Jack worked very well together in defense, all intuitively aware of their team mates next move, while mirroring and matching their opponents tactics, and it was exciting to witness the entire team up their game even further, with all players now aggressively on the attack.  Julian and Morgan were exceptionally strong in mid field, constantly knocking the ball out of their opponents hands.  And it was full on for Alice who had to work very hard and overcome her frustration at being constantly marked – only to put two more Goals away before the final whistle blew.  Great skills Alice!  All up it was another victory for the Fins, in what has already been a great season.  Final score 6 – 2.  Goals:  Alice 5, Morgan, 1.  Player of the Day went to Jack Wooller (pictured).  Jack relieved in the position of Defense this week, and did not allow anything to get past him.  He slotted in really well with Zack and Blake, and his energy levels throughout the game did not waiver.  He read the game exceptionally well and this enabled him to pass the ball effectively, ensuring a win for his team was in sight.  Well done Jack, and go Team Fins!!!!

The Voice of Christmas: WIN A SMART BEDROOM!!

This Christmas morning on Newstalk ZB – it’s “The Voice of Christmas” singing competition… on the ‘Crazy Kiwi Christmas Kids Show’… If you can sing, and you’re under 13, call 0800 THE VOICE (that’s 0800 843 864) and sing a Christmas carol or Christmas song as your audition. The grand prize? The ultimate smart bedroom bundle complete with an Amazon Echo Plus smart speaker and Alexa-enabled smart coloured light bulbs! Then tune in on Christmas morning to Newstalk ZB from 6am, to see if you’ve won!


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