Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Whole School Assembly Friday 6 November 9.00am in School Hall.

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Whole School Assembly Friday 6 November 9.00am in School Hall.

Parents/caregivers are welcome to school and your child’s classroom from 8.30am on Friday 6 November and are all invited to our Whole School Assembly starting at 9.00am, Team Te Ohanga are hosting in the school hall. All are welcome.

Cameron Lockie

FREE coffee on Friday 13th November 2020 at 08:15 until 9:30am if you park at Metro Park then walk to school you can enjoy a coffee on your return to your car!

Let’s all make our school a safer and less congested place. Why not give Park and Walk a try?

Check out the map below and plan your safe journey to and from school.

Walking to/from school:

  • Improves health and fitness
  • Reduces the number of cars outside our school making it safer for everyone
  • Teaches road sense
  • Is great for the environment
  • Is social and fun with friends and whanau

Quiz Night Saturday 14 November

Quiz Night FAQs

 Do I have to be good at quizzes to go to Quiz Night?

Absolutely NOT! Quiz night is just an excuse to get out the house and have a fun time without kids around.

How many people do we need for a team?

Teams of 4 and Teams of 8 are encouraged to register. However, if you want to participate and need help organising a team, just email us at and we can help you out.

Do teams dress up?

Yes, teams dress up. We will even have a prize for best dressed…however, this is not a requirement! Feel free to just come as you are.

Do we need cash, or can we bring cards?

We will have one Eftpos machine site, but bring cash to keep the lines shorter, get your drinks faster and be able to join in on some games and raffles.


What can I buy at Quiz Night?

Drinks: Beer, wine and soft drinks will be available for purchase.

Food: Teams will be given  the opportunity to buy pizzas from Northern Union which will be delivered on site. Teams are also encouraged to bring nibbles for their table.

Hampers and games: We’ll have some awesome hampers to raffle off and some games to keep you entertained throughout.

Where does Quiz Night take place?

The Silverdale School Hall.

Silverdale School

Platinum Sponsors

We are offering tuition to those pupils from age 10 years and staff and parents who would like to learn the pipes and or drums.

You are invited to our practice on a Wednesday at 7pm in the St Johns Ambulance Hall 36 Silverdale Street Silverdale. Come for a visit.   

Tuition is FREE on joining the band. 

Learning Piping

A pipe chanter ( similar to a recorder) is all that is needed to start. A new quality plastic one can be purchased for approximately $110.00. The band can help you select one which is needed for ongoing use to learn music after you have progressed to bagpipes.

It is likely to take six months or so before you need a set of bagpipes. We have

limited sets for loan.  

Learning Drumming  

For snare and tenor drumming, a practice pad and a set of band approved sticks are needed. A new set of sticks and a practice pad cost approximately $35.00 each.

The band can help with your selection of sticks to ensure that the sound matches other instruments. Drums are the property of the band and are available for use free of charge.

Uniform and Dress

Band members when they qualify to fill the ranks are issued with a uniform.

For more information please contact our Pipe Major Bob Logan on 09 4241838

or Leslee O’Connell  on 0274267170.                           

Whether you’re a parent with young children or teenagers, or just trying to deal with the unprecedented uncertainty of the times we all find ourselves living in, we could all probably do with some pointers on how to manage our wellbeing. In this entertaining evening, Nigel will explore how Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives, young and old, and share some strategies for managing and coping with stress and anxiety. This is an evening that will be appropriate for all ages.
  • Date: Tuesday 10th November
  • Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
  • Location: Westlake Boys High School, Forrest Hill, Auckland
  • Tickets $25
  • More information can be found here:
Please do feel free to contact me for further information and I look forward to hearing from you.
*If we need to reschedule due to COVID-19 alert levels, the event will be moved to Monday, 1st February 2021.


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4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992