Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

School Photos Information

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

School Photos

Class photos are Tuesday 1 September for Team Te Ohanga and Team Kiwi, Wednesday 2 September Team Pukeko and Team Tui. Team photos are Thursday 3 September.

Siblings photos do not have a set day it will be when the students are collected. Siblings forms were emailed out on Friday 28 August.
Sorry there wasnt a lot of time to get it out to the community or staff due to lock down and needing confirmation from Photolife.
Cameron Lockie


Save the date.

Its that time of year again. Photolife is coming. Class and sibling Photo’s will be Tuesday 1 September and Wednesday 2 September. Team Photo’s will be Thursday 3 September.

More information to come regarding sibling forms.


Quiz Night Saturday 14 November (TBC)

Quiz Night FAQs

 Do I have to be good at quizzes to go to Quiz Night?

Absolutely NOT! Quiz night is just an excuse to get out the house and have a fun time without kids around.

How many people do we need for a team?

Teams of 4 and Teams of 8 are encouraged to register. However, if you want to participate and need help organising a team, just email us at and we can help you out.

Do teams dress up?

Yes, teams dress up. We will even have a prize for best dressed…however, this is not a requirement! Feel free to just come as you are.

Do we need cash, or can we bring cards?

We will have one Eftpos machine site, but bring cash to keep the lines shorter, get your drinks faster and be able to join in on some games and raffles.


What can I buy at Quiz Night?

Drinks: Beer, wine and soft drinks will be available for purchase.

Food: Teams will be given  the opportunity to buy pizzas from Northern Union which will be delivered on site. Teams are also encouraged to bring nibbles for their table.

Hampers and games: We’ll have some awesome hampers to raffle off and some games to keep you entertained throughout.

Where does Quiz Night take place?

The Silverdale School Hall.

Country Show Day Thank You Certificate Competition

We are on the hunt for a new certificate that we can use as a thank you to all the wonderful sponsors of Country Show Day. Below are some examples from the awesome entries we received over the last three years.

The winner will receive a $50 Toyworld voucher!

Here is what you need to know:

  • Picture needs to be drawn on an A4 sheet of paper
  • Must include the wording ‘Thank you for supporting Silverdale School – Country Show Day 2020’
  • A scan of your design needs to be submitted to the PTA email address ( by August 28th. The original hard copy is to be submitted when the school re-opens (by August 31st at the latest – we will update this if level 3 is extended)
  • Must be the child’s own artwork – parents can help with writing the words for our younger students.

ezlunch is back in Level 2 & Father’s Day Promotion

It’s time to celebrate Dads – and how better than to get them something a little different!

Place an order with ezlunch for delivery from  Monday 31 August – Friday 4 September and be in the draw to WIN!

Winner will be drawn on Friday 4 September and notified by email.

Go to
 to start ordering.

Silverdale School

Platinum Sponsors


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4 Longmore Lane Silverdale Auckland 0992