Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 29 July 2020

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Newsletter – Wednesday 29 July

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Eva Chen, Nina Pfeiffer, Keri Tsui, Lola Barrows, Hana Kernohan, Tyla White, Devon Edmondson, Sheldon Wang, Miguel Agustin, Isla Twizell, Henry Wang, Jessica Chen, Narek Ford, Bella Jiang, Brad Keene, Preston Jamieson, Grace Meyer and Ayn Cho. 

Red Nose Mufti Day

On Friday we will be holding a mufti day for Red Nose Day. Children can come in mufti and bring a gold coin to donate to the Red Nose Day appeal. 


Welcome to Charlie Baybut and Brendon Zhang who started with us this week. Our current roll is 802. 

Open Day of Learning Monday 3 August

We will be holding an Open Day of Learning at school on Monday 3 August from 8.55am to 10.55am. This is an opportunity for you to come into your child’s/children’s classroom to see what they do at school. Your child will be able to show you their learning and show you around the classroom. You don’t need to book, just turn up and enjoy. This is not a time for an in-depth parent teacher interview, if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their learning then please contact your child’s teacher to organise a time.

Reading at Silverdale School

Some children will be bringing the same reader home several nights in succession.  They will be practising some of the skills below, and once they are able to read the book with mastery of these skills they will move on to another book.  

Some nights they will bring different books home; this will be because at the first reading they were able to read the book with the necessary skills.

It is important that they learn to become as independent as possible, so if your child makes a mistake or cannot read a word, PAUSE before helping.  Let them attempt to work the word out by themselves.  If they are struggling, give them the word.

Enjoy your time listening to your child read.  They will respond to this with a feeling of confidence and will want to read.

Teachers are working very thoroughly on each text, teaching the children to:

  • Read with expression and fluency
  • Retell a story in sequence
  • Learn some aspect of word study, e.g. endings of words
  • Instantly recognise basic sight words that occur in the book
  • Read with self-monitoring skills, i.e. self-correct when errors are made, make an independent attempt when faced with an unknown word

Guidelines Around Reading At Home

  • Find a time that suits everyone.
  • Make it an enjoyable, fun, stress free time.
  • Find a nice, quiet place. It’s a great time to have a cuddle.
  • Praise, praise, praise you child and celebrate their success.
  • Model reading to your children – if they see you reading and you explain why you are reading it will give them more meaning.
  • It is ok for books that come home to be easy for your children.
  • Re-reading a book is valuable as there are many different skills they are learning in class and need to revise.

Helpful Hints for Reluctant Readers…

If your child doesn’t want to read –

  • Look at the pictures. Can they retell the story to you?
  • Connect the story to their own life experience.
  • Take turns. You read a page and then your child can read a page.
  • You can read the story to them, modelling fluency or punctuation.
  • Keep it up beat and fun. Reading needs to be enjoyable!

KERI and Whole School Assemblies Dates. 

All assemblies will be in the hall and start at 9.00am.

Term 3

Week 3 – Principal Awards Assembly – Tuesday 4 August, 9.00am

Week 4 – KERI Assembly – Tuesday 11 August, 9.00am

Week 5 – Principal Awards Assembly – Wednesday 19 August, 9.00am

Week 6 – KERI Assembly – Wednesday 26 August, 9.00am

Week 7 – Principal Awards Assembly – Thursday 3 September, 9.00am

Week 8 – KERI Assembly – Thursday 10 September, 9.00am

Week 9 – Principal Awards Assembly – Friday 18 September, 9.00am

Week 10 – KERI Assembly – Friday 25 September, 9.00am

 KERI Awards

Well done to the following children who received Caught by KERI awards at Monday’s assembly.



Team Te Ohanga

Team Kiwi

Team Pukeko

Team Tui






















The PTA and Silverdale School would like to say a huge WELCOME and thank you to our PLATINUM sponsors joining us this year,  Bayleys Millwater and Golstruct Homes.

We’ve had an overwhelming response in support of Country Show Day 2020. We really appreciate the show of hands we have had especially due to the hard times brought on by Covid-19.

We also have 4 wonderful sponsors in the Silver position.  They are SBA (Small Business Accounting), MTF Finance Silverdale, Audika and Flowers By Joanne.

A massive thank you to all of you. Your support is very much appreciated.  We couldn’t do this without you all! 

If you would still like to support the school for Country Show Day we are always looking for donations for our very popular Online Auctions.

Thank you to everyone that helped on Friday night to ensure our kids had a very successful disco. 

This year our fundraising goals are the following:

  • Sun shading for the senior playground
  • Sandpit for the middle school 
  • Play toys for the junior school
  • Kapa Haka uniforms
  • General School Fundraising 

Save the dates

6 September: Quiz Night – A fabulous night to show us how intelligent you are in answering questions or what an amazing dancer you are. This is definitely an adults only event! Start getting your teams and costumes ready. More information will follow in due course. 

31 October: Country Show Day.  The school’s biggest fundraising event. To follow updates, please like our Facebook page Silverdale School Country Show Day – 31 October 2020 @countryshowday

6 December:  Colour Rush – Yes call us crazy for holding an event after Country Show Day!   More details are to follow at a later date. 

If you would love to be part of the PTA or friends of the PTA please contact Davina on

Alaska Tees have agreed to help us raise funds.  The close off date for this fundraiser is 30 August 2020.  For every item purchased, they will donate 20% of the sales to the school.  Please see the below flyer for further information.

Keeping the Footpath Clear After School. 

After school if you are waiting for your child can you please keep to the left while waiting on the footpath. Thank you.

Scooters and Bikes

Please remind your children that if they ride their scooters or bikes to school, they must walk them on school grounds and they must wear a helmet. Please also talk with them about riding their scooter or bike safety on the footpath before and after school.

Thank You

Thank you to the PTA for organizing an amazing disco last week. The children had a great time and were so excited to have a dance with DJ Marshmello. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to organise and help at the disco.

School Docs

Our school has been using SchoolDocs for our policies and procedures for over a year now. 

The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc. 

SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our board of trustees has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented. We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review. 

We invite you to visit the site at (note that there’s no “www”). Our username is silverdaleprimary and password millwater.

  1.       Go to
  2.       Click Search for Silverdale School.
  3.       Start typing the school’s name and then select it from the dropdown list.
  4.       Enter the community username (silverdaleprimary) and password (millwater).

Our term 3 policy reviews are:

  • Learning Support
  • Appointment Procedure
  • Child Protection

Parking on Stella Maris Rise

Please don’t park on the grass along Stella Maris Rise, our parents are destroying the grass and making the area unsafe for people to use. By parking here you are showing no respect for our environment and people who are using the footpath. There is plenty of car parking at Merto Park which is 400m from the school.

School Uniform

Please ensure your child wears the correct uniform each day and that all items are clearly named. To order new uniform items please go to 

School Uniform

Green polo shirt (with school logo) 

Green fleece jacket (with school logo) 

Black culottes             

Black cargo shorts or cargo pants (no track pants

Black school shoes or black sandals (no boots)

Black socks or stockings (no ankle tights/leggings)

Black sun hat with school logo (Terms 1 and 4) 

Black, white or green hair bands/ties

Short sleeved black thermals are permitted to wear underneath.

Jewellery is not to be worn except for watches, stud earrings and items of a religious or cultural nature.

2021 Enrolments

Do you have a child who is turning 5 in 2021? Or do you know of a family who has a child about to turn 5?  If so, we would like to have all enrolment forms for any children turning 5 in 2021 into the school office as soon as possible. This information allows us to plan ahead and ensure that we have classrooms ready and class teachers appointed for our new entrant classes. If you have any questions please feel free to email me

Dogs on School Property

Just a reminder that no dogs are allowed on school property unless you have principal approval.

Cameron Lockie



Silverdale School

Platinum Sponsors

Silverdale School Flippa Ball Sunday July 26th

Following a longer than usual break it was great for our awesome team to be reunited and ready for another, albeit shortened, season. Joining the Fins this year is Jack Wooller – who in his debut already demonstrated that he will very quickly be a valued asset to the team. For the first game of the season the Silver Fins played the Wentworth Warriors in an extremely fast but, as it turns out, very evenly matched game. Although Wentworth gained possession of the ball at first whistle and again following half time, our mid fielders Morgan Lusher, Zack Gibbons, Julian Beall and Jack made it very known they were not here to lose. The defense, Alisa Hurter and Blake Thow were both very consistent in thwarting the oppositions attempt to score throughout the game. All swam hard out, with the defense working very well with their interaction with the mid field. One of the hardest and most difficult challenges is to be everywhere at once and this match most certainly required that, and then some.  Not for the faint hearted are two key team roles, that of Striker and Goalie… and both Alice Bauld and Jamie Welch were hands down superb, fearless, and accurate in gaining possession, striking and in Jamie’s case, defending. Our Player of the Day this week went to Jamie for all the aforementioned reasons. Plus he was as cool as a cucumber not allowing those Wentworth players to phase him one bit. In fact I think he was smiling!!! Final Score: 4 all. Goals Zack 1, and Alice 3. Well done Jamie, and well done Team on your great achievement! 

Professional Tutoring….  Maths, Reading,Writing and Spelling

I have over 15 years teaching experience especially encouraging students who are struggling to succeed. 

*Homework help, *Structured Learning Environment,, *Programmes to help with Dyslexia  & Learning Difficulties. *Warm and Friendly, *Small Groups/Individualised Work


Yvette Walton  NZ Registered Teacher

022 34 11716

Please see my web page for testimonials, more information and a list of available spaces.


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