Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Newsletter – Wednesday 22 July 2020

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako

Wednesday 22 July 2020


Welcome to Apolosi Vaea, Arlo Huia, Edward Gee, Elimyss Caingod, Emily Friedwald, Emma Quevedo, Hazel Bulkeley, Isabel Luna, Kaylin Senekal, Kian Boshoff, Lau Senekal, Lola Tongiahoe, Lydia Husselman, Mae Dalere, Parker Snell, Serah Zang, Yenushka Moodley and Aaron Read. Our current roll is 800.


Welcome to Miss Emily Tarr who is teaching in Room 9.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Sithupa Withana Gamage, Jason Xu, Mae Duncan, Brigita Van Elst, Sofiya Feneva, Khalum Wood, Chloe Cameron, Jessica Armstrong, Jimena Try, Chloe Connolly, Ishana Noor, Caylee Herbst, Karma Greayes and Lucas Xie.

Learning Conversations

These will take place Tuesday 28 July and Wednesday 29 July.  For those new to the school this is an opportunity for you to meet with your child and class teacher to discuss progress to date. Children will need to attend the learning conversations.  It is also an opportunity to check out how you can assist your child at home. To make an interview booking go to school code is vf4ce. 

Please note that school will close early on Tuesday 28 July at 12pm.  Unless notified otherwise normal Tuesday 28 July transport arrangements will be followed. Any changes to transport arrangements for Tuesday 28 July must be forwarded to your child’s classroom teacher.  It is important that the teacher knows what is happening with your child on this day as we close at 12pm. Stillwater bus will pick up at 12.00pm from school.  School will operate as usual on Wednesday 29 July.

Open Day of Learning Monday 3 August

We will be holding an Open Day of Learning at school on Monday 3 August from 8.55am to 10.55am. This is an opportunity for you to come into your child’s/children’s classroom to see what they do at school. Your child will be able to show you their learning and show you around the classroom. You don’t need to book, just turn up and enjoy. This is not a time for an in-depth parent teacher interview, if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their learning then please contact your child’s teacher to organise a time. 

Preferred Option for Drop Offs and Pick Ups


—> Entry to school grounds remains at 8.30am for students only. Children will continue to go in straight to class to be ready and build relationships with their peers and teacher.

—> Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children coming to school.

—> Students will continue to not play before school.

—> Assembly Days: Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the assembly, the assemblies will start at 9.00am in the hall.  


—> Monday – Friday: Continued collection from one of the gates or stop, drop and go zones or Metro Park.

—> Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children leaving the school.

—> Staff will stop supervising Team Tui children and younger siblings walking to Metro Park car park.

—> Children will be allowed to walk to Metro Park car park to be collected by parents/caregivers.

—> Older siblings will continue to collect younger siblings and walk with them to the gate or stop, drop and go zone or Metro Park.

Children Who Need Extra Support

These arrangements are our preferred way of dropping off and picking up. These arrangements are working for the majority of our children. We have found that  children have adapted very well to being dropped at the gate in the mornings and getting to class on their own. They have shown great independence in getting ready for learning once they arrive at class. They are able to unpack their bags, put away their lunch box and drink bottle. Once in the class they then find their friends and play or work with the teacher until the 8.55am bell goes. 

At the end of the day the teacher will walk them to the pre-arranged spot for pick up.

This organisation has worked very well for our children and we will monitor any child who is not coping well with this arrangement and work with the parents/caregivers to overcome any concerns.

KERI and Whole School Assemblies Dates. 

All assemblies will be in the hall and start at 9.00am.

Term 3

Week 1 – Powhiri – Monday 20 July, 11.30am

Week 2 – KERI Assembly – Monday 27 July, 9.00am

Week 3 – Principal Awards Assembly – Tuesday 4 August, 9.00am

Week 4 – KERI Assembly – Tuesday 11 August, 9.00am

Week 5 – Principal Awards Assembly – Wednesday 19 August, 9.00am

Week 6 – KERI Assembly – Wednesday 26 August, 9.00am

Week 7 – Principal Awards Assembly – Thursday 3 September, 9.00am

Week 8 – KERI Assembly – Thursday 10 September, 9.00am

Week 9 – Principal Awards Assembly – Friday 18 September, 9.00am

Week 10 – KERI Assembly – Friday 25 September, 9.00am

Open Days of Learning

This is an opportunity for parents/caregivers to come into their child’s/children’s classroom to see what they do at school. Children will be able to show their parents/caregivers their learning and show them around the classroom. Parents/caregivers don’t need to book just turn up and enjoy.

Monday 3 August, Week 3 – 8.55am – 10.55am

Thursday 27 August, Week 6 – 1.50pm – 2.55pm

Wednesday 16 September, Week 9 – 8.55am – 10.55am


Car Parking

Car parking is at a premium here at school an option during drop off and pick up is to park away from the school and walk to school, a great way of building you and your child’s fitness and help reduce the carbon footprint at the same time.

The drop off zone that borders the sloping bank will be a ‘manned’ stop, drop and go area from 8.30am to 8.55am and again from 3.00pm to 3.10pm. In the morning our car park hosts will greet your vehicle and, if necessary, escort your youngsters to their classes. These students and staff will be wearing High-viz jackets. This means you will be able to stop, drop and go in a minimum of time. In the afternoon your children will wait for you on the bank to be retrieved. The teacher on duty will pop your child in your vehicle and you can quickly depart.  

Our mobility car parks are in operation in the main carpark, so please ensure that these are used only for the purpose they were designed.  Unless you have a mobility card and the card holder is in the car then the spaces must be kept clear.


We have had Kingsway School parents complaining that Silverdale parents are using their back carpark area and it is causing traffic jams.  Please do not park in the Kingsway School carpark.


Pick Up and Drop Off

With our increasing roll we are experiencing more and more cars coming into school to pick up and drop off children. Ideally we would like less cars coming into school you can help with this by parking at Metro Park and walking into school for pick ups and drop offs. The first car park at Metro Park are 400m away which is about a 5 minutes walk, a great way to start the day. 

If you are coming into school then please see below maps of the correct way to use the car park on school grounds. 

In particular the Stop, Drop and Go there is no parking between 8.00am and 9.00am, and 2.45pm and 3.15pm. If you park in the stop, drop and go this causes congestion for people trying to pick up their children early from kindy or school and for anyone else trying to get into school. Once the school buses arrive and our parents are waiting in the Stop, Drop and Go area for school to finish and this blocks any traffic from coming into school. 

We ask that you not park in the Stop, Drop and Go area until after 2.45pm. This will help the flow of traffic arriving and leaving the school. 

Thank you to everyone who are following the rules, it does make a difference.

A couple of reminders:

  1. Both carparks are for staff cars only, please do not park in any of the carparks.
  2. No parking in the stop, drop and go area until after 2.45pm.
  3. At stop, drop and go please do not get out of your car.

Dental Clinic Parking

A reminder to parents that you must not use the dental clinic car park to drop off or pick up children, thanks for your co-operation in this.

Cameron Lockie



School is Back – please remember to drive at a safe speed around our school.

This makes it safer for everyone, and students love to be able to walk, scoot or ride to school!

Let’s all take the time to be kind to one another, walking to school if we can, and driving safely around schools.


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