Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations
These will take place Tuesday 28 July and Wednesday 29 July. For those new to the school this is an opportunity for you to meet with your child and class teacher to discuss progress to date. Children will need to attend the learning conversations. It is also an opportunity to check out how you can assist your child at home. To make an interview booking go to The school code is vf4ce.

Please note that school will close early on Tuesday 28 July at 12pm. Unless notified otherwise normal Tuesday 28 July transport arrangements will be followed. Any changes to transport arrangements for Tuesday 28 July must be forwarded to your child’s classroom teacher. It is important that the teacher knows what is happening with your child on this day as we close at 12pm. Stillwater bus will pick up at 12.00pm from school. School will operate as usual on Wednesday 29 July.