Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December


School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako


Welcome to Lucas Blenkinsop who started with us this week. Our current roll is 785.


Happy Birthday 

Happy birthday to Cayden Bloom, Ayana Justin, Sammy Hart, Tatum Teo, Lisone Teo, Aimee Brehaut, Katherine Pang, Dylan Sung, Miller Wickman, Brandon Jordaan, Juliana Bryant, Hudson Macky, Liam Daniels, May Pang, Finlay Cook, Amber Taiapa, Eva Hansen, Jade Teo, Yu Wang, Erin Halliday, Johan Behenna, Joud Zaher, Levi Alefaio, Kyan Naidu, Albie Donaghy, Rosie Fryer, Mianka Claassens, Ava Kelleher, Lucas Lyon, Ricky Shang, Tiffany Tong, Lucas Che, Sasha Zikic, Clara Olthof, Chanel Wu, Louis Shin, Sabine Petrie, Violet O’Reilly, Harry Russell, Dylan van Staden, Skyler Olivier, Oliver Attwood, Lyla Castagna, Ava-Rose Todd, Adam Dabagh, Alicia Lavender Li and Lucas Zhao.

PTA Mufti Day

On Friday 3 July we will have a mufti day, it will be a gold coin donation and all monies raised will go to the PTA. Thanks for your support with this.

Get Firewise with Year 2

Our Year 2 children have been participating in the The Get Firewise programme. This programme teaches children lifelong behaviours that will help them stay safe. It’s been developed using best practice techniques for teaching safety information to young children.

The children learnt behaviours that will keep them from starting fires, such as not playing with matches and lighters. They learn and practise what to do if there is a fire in a building or room they are in.

It focuses on:

  • not playing with matches and lighters.
  • being safe near  fires.
  • understanding that fire can be dangerous.
  • knowing what to do if there is a fire in a room.
  • practising evacuating from a room in a fire emergency.

For more information click on the link.

Principal Awards

Well done to the children who received Principal Awards at last week’s assembly.

Revised guidance on testing for COVID-19 from Ministry of Education

At a time where there are increasing numbers of colds and other winter illnesses, the Ministry of Health has revised its guidance on who might need testing for COVID-19. It is important to note that there is currently no known community transmission of COVID-19 in New Zealand. The vast majority of adults, children and young people with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will not have COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can include new onset or worsening of one or more of the following:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  • Temporary loss of smell

Health’s information on who should get tested notes that people with any of the COVID-19 symptoms who are close contacts of confirmed cases, have recently travelled overseas, or been in contact with recent travellers, should get assessed.

If anyone has symptoms but is unsure if they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP for advice. Over winter there are many other viruses about that can cause people to feel unwell and have symptoms similar to those of COVID-19.

Some people with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 may be tested as part of Health’s ongoing surveillance to ensure that there is no community transmission in New Zealand. If they are not close contacts of confirmed cases, have not recently travelled overseas, or have not been in contact with recent travellers, then there is no need for them to self-isolate while awaiting the test result, and they can return to school or early learning once they are feeling well or on the advice of their health practitioner.

If not recommended for testing, they will be able to return to school or their early learning service when they are feeling well and no longer displaying symptoms.

Further information about testing can be found on the Ministry of Health website.

Getting to and from School

It has come to my attention that some of our children are crossing the road in an unsafe manner. Can you please go over with your children how to cross the road safely.

 If your child/ren are walking/biking/scootering to or from school can you please go over with them how to do this safety. Over the past few weeks we have had a number of reports of our children not being very safe when they are walking/biking/scootering to or from school. Below are some general tips.

How to stay safe when walking

  • Use pedestrian crossings or cross at traffic signals.
  • Stop and check at every driveway.
  • Walk on the footpath, close to the houses and away from the road.
  • Hold hands if walking with a young child near roads or in carparks.

Crossing the road, when there’s no pedestrian crossing

  • be patient and cross the road only when it’s safe to do so (it takes time for a vehicle to stop)
  • then use the kerb drill:
  1. Stop one step back from the kerb.
  2. Look and listen for traffic coming from all directions.
  3. If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed and then look and listen for traffic again.
  4. If there is no traffic coming, walk quickly straight across the road.
  5. While crossing, look and listen for traffic, wherever it may come from.

When using a pedestrian crossing

  • Use official crossings where possible – in fact, if you’re within 20 metres of a pedestrian crossing, the law requires you to use it.
  • Check that approaching vehicles have seen you and can stop before you step out.
  • Cross as quickly as you are able.
  • For crossings with signals, only cross when the green person or message shows.

Cameron Lockie



Matariki kite flying and shared kai
Kia ora e te whānau,
Tomorrow, Thursday 8, we will be flying our kites at the southern end of Metro Park as part of our Matariki celebrations. 
We ask that parents and whānau who want to be involved meet us at the park at 11:30 am.
On Friday 9, we will be having a shared morning tea in all of our classes. Please send along some kai to share. We ask that any home baking comes with a list of ingredients for our students with allergies. This is a student-only social occasion.
Ngā mihi
Whaea Estee, matua William and matua Mark.

PTA News

The PTA will be holding a mufti day on Friday.  Gold coin donation please to go towards our fundraising goals.

myKindo changes to POLi payments (instant bank transfers)
We have been advised that a service fee of 1% (capped at $3) will apply for myKindo topups using POLi (instant bank transfers) from 6 July 2020. Internet banking continues to be FREE.

You will see these top-up options:

  • Internet Banking (POLi) – will incur a 1% service fee (capped at $3). Funds are instantly transferred.
  • Credit/Debit Card – will incur 2.5% and 50c service fee. Funds are instantly transferred. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, China Union Pay.
  • Internet Banking (at your bank) – FREE. Allow two days for processing of funds (normally next day). Orders can be automatically placed when the funds have cleared. Kindo is a Registered Bill Payee with all major banks (search ‘Kindo’ to avoid entering their bank account number when using internet banking).

You can set up an Auto Payment or top up additional funds to your myKindo balance to avoid topping up each time, which will streamline your next purchase if you’d like to do so. Questions?

Our first issue post-lockdown! Here’s your school community’s link:

We are so happy that with the support of local businesses we have been able to deliver you our June – August 2020 issue. Our dedicated team and the Kiwi businesses who support each issue would be very grateful for you to share it with your school community by placing the link in your school newsletter or e-newsletter.  

Orewa College Enrolment

Applications are submitted online for our 2021 enrolments.

Please visit our website under Information/Enrol

Out of zone applications will be entered in a ballot which will be completed in September 2020.

Students enrolling at other year levels are invited to book a school  tour, the link to book is on our website.

Information Evening – Thursday 27 August, 7.00-8.30 pm in the Orewa College Arts and Event Centre. 



Flippa Ball – Sunday afternoon league at Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre

Term 3 Sunday 26 July to 13 September (8 weeks)

Approx $40-$50 per term per player. 


Do you have a year 4-6 child looking to get involved with fun winter sport?

Flippa ball is the junior version of waterpolo, played at Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre.

It gives children the chance to learn fundamental ball skills, teamwork as well as enjoying the water and developing water confidence.

Reasonable swimming and water confidence are recommended, but children can touch the bottom of the pool.

Please register on the following link – Term 3 Flippaball

Registrations close on the 3 July, payment is due by the 15 July.


To find out more take a look the FlippaBall Information Sheet or email Kiri on


Silverdale School Hockey 2020

Registrations for the 2020 season via SportsHub have opened for winter hockey.  This is open to Years 1-6 and new players are welcome.  Further information can be found by accessing the link below:

Kelly Club Silverdale is running an awesome July Holiday Programme.  We have trip days to MOTAT and to see Sonic the Hedgehog at the Matakana Cinema!  Also, we have planned a Night at the Museum Day, craft and cooking activities, awesome games plus much more!

To find out more or to book, please go to


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