2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December
Orewa Kahui Ako is seeking a qualified child therapist / counsellor with expertise in working with students who experience anxiety at varying levels. The age group is 5 -11 years old. Employment will be for one day per week for Terms 3 and 4 2020, term time only. The position will involve interactions with students across four schools in two school venues.
Applications to: Lead Principal Orewa Kahui Ako
Emailhrmanager@orewacollege.nzno later than 9.00 a.m., 26 June 2020 with cover letter, c.v. and contact details of 3 referees
Android & iPhone App now available
myKindo app is now available for iPhone and Android phones. If you like the flexibility of ordering anywhere, anytime then go ahead and download the app!
Access via the app store, searching “mykindo” or by using the links below –
Kelly Club Silverdale is running an awesome July Holiday Programme. We have trip days to MOTAT and to see Sonic the Hedgehog at the Matakana Cinema! Also, we have planned a Night at the Museum Day, craft and cooking activities, awesome games plus much more!