Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Wednesday 10 June Silverdale School Newsletter

School Newsletter
Learn to Journey – Journey to Learn
Ako ki te Haere – Haere ki te Ako


Welcome to Anthony Wilson, Catherine Wilson, Talamai Teo and Hannah Shaw. Our current roll is 773. 

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Alex Baker, Elithaf Melladi, Josh Johansen, Akira Douglas, Isla Bigwood, Chloe Langmore, Bryan Huy, Kabir Anand, Jasmin Brown, Heinro Havemann, Mia Che.

Level 1 – At the School Gate Consultation Results

As a school we have been blown away by how well our children, parents/caregivers, staff have coped with the sudden changes in recent times. This is testament to the reassurance and support they felt from others around them. 

It’s fair to say that recent events have reiterated the importance of having strong resilience. We have a holistic approach to teaching, understanding that learning is enhanced when kids have developed skills such as resilience, managing self, perseverance, independence, intrinsic motivation to learn etc. Going forward we want to ensure continued progress in developing these skills.

We are not underestimating the importance of building strong links between home and school. We want to continue to build strong relationships with parents while creating opportunities for you to come in and view the learning environment. The rest of this term will be a trial period for us as well as parents while we continue to be in contact via email and touching base at the end of the day. We will continue to get feedback as we develop new processes. What we are asking for now is that parents continue to support us in our attempts to create opportunities for the children to develop resilience by encouraging them to independently come to class. Teachers will continue to focus on the students between 8:30am and 9:00am as this is their time to check in with them before the learning time starts. We have noticed this time to be very valuable in getting to know our children. 

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. We had 292 responses. 261 (89.4%) responded in favour of the proposal and 31 (10.6%) against the proposal.

Below is the information about drop offs and pick ups. We will be trialling these procedures and we ask for feedback from our community in term 3.

These procedures will begin straight away.


—> Entry to school grounds remains at 8.30am for students only. Children will continue to go in straight to class to be ready and build relationships with their peers and teacher.

—> Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children coming to school.

—> Students will continue to not play before school.

—> Assembly Days: Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the whole school or KERI assembly, the assemblies will start at 9.00am in the hall.  


—> Monday – Friday: Continued collection from one of the gates or stop, drop and go zones or Metro Park.

—> Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children leaving the school.

—> Staff will stop supervising Team Tui children and younger siblings walking to Metro Park car park.

—> Children will be allowed to walk to Metro Park car park to be collected by parents/caregivers.

—> Older siblings will continue to collect younger siblings and walk with them to the gate or stop, drop and go zone or Metro Park.

Children Who Need Extra Support

These arrangements are our preferred way of dropping off and picking up. These arrangements are working for the majority of our children. We have found that  children have adapted very well to being dropped at the gate in the mornings and getting to class on their own. They have shown great independence in getting ready for learning once they arrive at class. They are able to unpack their bags, put away their lunch box and drink bottle. Once in the class they then find their friends and play or work with the teacher until the 8.55am bell goes. 

At the end of the day the teacher will walk them to the pre-arranged spot for pick up.

This organisation has worked very well for our children and we will monitor any child who is not coping well with this arrangement and work with the parents/caregivers to overcome any concerns.


KERI and Principal Awards Assemblies Dates. 

All assemblies will be in the hall and start at 9.00am.


Term 2

Week 9 – Friday 12 June – Principal Awards Assembly – 9am in the hall.

Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the Principal Awards or KERI assembly.


Week 10 – Monday 15 June – KERI Assembly – 9am in the hall.

Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the Principal Awards or KERI assembly.


Week 11 – Friday 26 June – Principal Awards Assembly – 9am in the hall.

Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the Principal Awards or KERI assembly.


Week 12 – Monday 29 June – KERI Assembly – 9am in the hall.

Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students and parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classroom to celebrate their child’s learning and are welcome to stay on for the Principal Awards or KERI assembly.


Term 3

Week 1 – Powhiri – Monday 20 July, 11.30am

Week 2 – KERI Assembly – Monday 27 July

Week 3 – Principal Awards Assembly – Tuesday 4 August

Week 4 – KERI Assembly – Tuesday 11 August

Week 5 – Principal Awards Assembly – Wednesday 19 August

Week 6 – KERI Assembly – Wednesday 26 August

Week 7 – Principal Awards Assembly – Thursday 3 September

Week 8 – KERI Assembly – Thursday 10 September

Week 9 – Principal Awards Assembly – Friday 18 September

Week 10 – KERI Assembly – Friday 25 September


Open Days of Learning

This is an opportunity for parents/caregivers to come into their child’s/children’s classroom to see what they do at school. Children will be able to show their parents/caregivers their learning and show them around the classroom. Parents/caregivers don’t need to book just turn up and enjoy.


Monday 3 August, Week 3 – 8.55am – 10.55am

Thursday 27 August, Week 6 – 1.50pm – 2.55pm

Wednesday 16 September, Week 9 – 8.55am – 10.55am


Alert Level 1

In response to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday about Alert Level 1.

Key changes for schools at Alert Level 1:

  • there are no specific public health requirements.
  • there are no restrictions on personal movement so all students, children and staff continue to be safe to go to school / early learning, and all students must attend school.
  • you are no longer required to keep a contact tracing register but will continue with the usual practice of having a visitor and an attendance register (and will need to work with local health authorities to identify close contacts, should there be a case connected with the school).
  • physical distancing is not a requirement but is encouraged when you are around people you don’t know.
  • there are no restrictions on numbers at gatherings or on physical activities including cultural and sporting activities, practices and events.

There are key public health measures (Golden Rules) for everyone in New Zealand to follow. For schools and early learning services this means:

  • If people are sick, they should stay home (phone Healthline or their GP and get tested if they have cold or flu symptoms).
  • Continue to regularly wash and dry hands, sneeze and cough into elbows.
  • Soap, water and the ability to dry hands should be provided in bathrooms.
  • Regularly disinfect shared surfaces.
  • Support contact tracing efforts by displaying QR Code posters for the NZ COVID Tracer App.
  • Stringent self-isolation of those who display relevant symptoms of COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19, have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, or have been overseas in the last 14 days – Ministry of Health information for self-isolation.

At all levels, upon advice from the local medical officer of health, any educational facilities connected to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 must close on an individual or group basis for 72 hours to allow contact tracing, and then potentially for a further 14 days. 

Thank you

Thank you to Ponsonby Mitre 10 and Resene Paints for the donation of 24 umbrellas.

PTA Meeting

Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 16 June at 7.00pm at school. All are welcome.

‘Keep it real online’ campaign

The Department of Internal Affairs with Netsafe and the Office of Film and Literature Classification is about to launch a ‘Keep it real online’ campaign. The campaign will support parents and caregivers to reduce the risks of online harm such as cyber-bullying, inappropriate content, pornography and grooming. 

Parents and caregivers can find information including tips on how to have conversations with their kids at

Talanoa Ako app

Launched this week, the Talanoa Ako app provides Pacific parents with ongoing access to education and learning information. The content is in plain English and 10 Pacific languages. Each language is also available in audio with visually impaired functionality. The app provides core information for Pacific parents and families to build their knowledge and confidence about education in their own time and in their first language.   

Free to download from on both Android and iOS devices, the app is part of the Talanoa Ako programme that will be delivered in Ako Centres later in the year.

Cameron Lockie




Android & iPhone App now available

myKindo app is now available for iPhone and Android phones. If you like the flexibility of ordering anywhere, anytime then go ahead and download the app!

Access via the app store, searching “mykindo” or by using the links below –

Android Google Play:

iPhone App Store:

Kelly Club Silverdale is running an awesome July Holiday Programme.  We have trip days to MOTAT and to see Sonic the Hedgehog at the Matakana Cinema!  Also, we have planned a Night at the Museum Day, craft and cooking activities, awesome games plus much more!

To find out more or to book, please go to


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