Announcement : 

2025 Term Dates ** TERM 1 Monday 10 February to Friday 11 April ** TERM 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June ** TERM 3 Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September ** TERM 4 Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

Level 1 – Drop off and Pick up Consultation Survey

Hi all

If you haven’t done so already please complete the Level 1 – Drop off and Pick up Consultation Survey, thanks. Survey Link

We have found (as have other schools in New Zealand) that over the last three weeks, our children have developed great self-management skills and independence through our drop off and pick up procedures. 
Reduced anxiety has been evident with parents not dropping children directly at the classroom. Teachers are valuing the 1-1 connection time with their learners from 8.30am. As we move towards Level 1, we would like to continue these practices four days a week to maintain the growth we have seen. Your feedback around this proposal would be appreciated.

—> Tuesday – Friday: Entry to school grounds remains at 8.30am for students only. Children will continue to go in straight to class to be ready and build relationships with their peers and teacher. Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children coming to school.
—> Monday: Entry to school grounds at 8.30am for students. Parents/caregivers are invited to go into the classrooms to celebrate their child’s learning and welcomed to stay on for whole school assemblies to start at 9.00am in the hall.  
—> Students will continue to not play before school.

—> Monday – Friday: Continued collection from one of the gates or stop, drop and go zones.
—> Staff will continue to be at the gates to supervise children leaving the school.
—> Team Tui would stop walking to Metro Park carpark and be collected from one of the gates or stop, drop and go zones. 

—> Children’s independence is high.
—> Children’s organisation and self management have improved.
—> There is virtually no separation anxiety.
—> Relationships with teacher and children have strengthened.
—> Less traffic congestion in the school.
—> Less/no noise outside the classrooms during learning time (particularly at the end of the day where it is very distracting).

Survey Link